• Epilogue •

136 9 59

10 years later (:

Your POV:

"Mummy! 'Wook at what I found!" My 5 year old son, JJ (Jae Junior), squealed while frantically running over to my open arms. His little gummy smile wide, his ebony eyes sparkling as he held up a tiny snail.

"Awh, baby, he's cute. What are you going to name him?" I asked in a soft tone, bringing him closer to my chest, being careful of my 9 month baby bump.

"Jimin! Becuz he ish smol like uncwole Jiminie!" The adorable boy let out a high pitched giggle, my heart melting.

"I'm sure uncle Jimin will be honoured." I giggled along with him. I gave him a light kiss on his temple, Jae never failing to gently push my face away with red cheeks.

"Mummmmm!" Jae whined, his eyes now squinting at me in attempt to scolder me. "Stop kissing meeeehhh!"

"Let your mum kiss you, JJ." A deep, smooth voice spoke up, I turned my face to see a smirking Yoongi.

"S-sowwy, dad, sowwy mummy." Jae said with a pout.

"It's alright, now go find Jimin a home." Yoongi stated before Jae Junior scurried off further into our back garden.

I slowly stood up, Yoongi taking the opportunity to attempt to wrap his arms around my waist. His gorgeous gummy smile, mimicking our sons, playing on his pale, rounded face.

"How are you today, Mrs Min?" The blacked haired male joked, planting a peck upon my lips.

"I'm doing just fine, my love. And I've told you to stop calling me that!" I replied, trying to form a frown but my smile kept showing through.

"But you are my beautiful wife and I love using my name with yours." Yoongi concluded, shrugging.

"Alright, I like it too." I shook my head before landing my lips upon Yoongi's, our head moving in sync as the kiss got more passionate.

"Ewww, why are they eating each other, Auntie Anna and uncwoles Tea and kookie?" JJ gagged, the said names laughing at the funny boy.

(A/n: writing tea was on purpose (; )

"They are not eating each other, Jae bubba, they are kissing." Anna replied to the little person.

"Why are they kwissing?" JJ asked, looking up with wide curious eyes.

"It's what people do when they are in love." Taehyung added, his boxy grin being expressed.

"Oh? What ewlse do peepol do when they are in luuuv?" The boy continued with the innocent questions.

"Well, they also have se-" Jungkook was cut of by Taehyung's hand covering his mouth, the older slightly soldering the ravenette.

"That's enough questions, bubba. How about we take you too the park?" Anna bent down in front of the confused boy, whose face quickly lit up by the mention of the park.

"YES! Lesss gOo!" Jae shouted, running around Anna in circles. Anna laughed at his giddiness before catching him in her arms, holding him up before pottering over to me and Yoongi. We heard the whole conversation, and couldn't help but chuckle at our curious son.

"I'll take him to the park with 'Taekook. You two enjoy your peace." Anna said before making her way inside our house, the two younger boys following after before bowing to us.

Yoongi gazed at me with his usual piecing coal eyes.

"What?" I asked, cocking a brow.

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