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(A/n: shit about to go down)

Your POV:

"No, no!" I began to weep, my lungs felt  like they were being crushed, it was hard to breathe. "JAE!?" My frame collapsed onto the ground, my eyes now blurred by the stinging tears escaping hastily.

"Someone call an ambulance!" Anna screeched, her eyes glassy with tears, her heart tightening in her chest.

Namjoon yanked his phone out from his pocket and dialled for an ambulance.

"Why? Why me, Anna!" I sobbed into my drenched, wet hands. Anna purses her lips into a thin line and cradled me in her arms.

"I don't know, but I'm going to call your parents too." She sighed, stroking my hair softly.

Third person POV:

Yoongi watched as Y/n weeped in pain, how fragile she looked again. He wanted to hold her, he wanted to tell her everything was okay. But how could he? Nothing was okay.

Anna called Mrs Shin, her voice cracking at the words she had to express to Jae's mother.

"W-what? I'll meet you at the hospital!" Mrs Shin stammered.


Y/n stayed by her brothers side the whole way there, she watched her brothers chest heave up and down so slowly. The thought of losing her brother completely this time terrified her, what was wrong with him?

Now she sat on a chair in the waiting room, Yoongi and Anna accompanying her. Their faces fixed upon her, looks full of worry, fear.

"Shin Y/n?" A male, who appeared to be a doctor called. Y/n shot up, sorrow filled her eyes.

"Y-yes!" Y/n asked, "is my brother okay?"  Her voice broken, her face crimson and burning from the tears.

"Miss Shin, your brother has been put on life support, we did some tes-" the doctor began, his words so clear.

"L-life support? What tests! What's wrong with Jae?" Y/n flooded the man with questions, Anna and Yoongi gave Y/n pitied looks.

"Yes, I will discuss the tests with you when your parents arrive." The man concluded, his tone sounding a little harsh. Y/n nodded, her eyes re-filling with tears once again. The doctor bid goodbye before saying he'd be back soon.

Y/n threw herself back to a chair, her hands following onto her face.

"H-hey, I'm sure it's nothing serious-" Anna started.

"Serious? Anna he's in a fucking coma!" Y/n snapped, her tone hard. Her eyes locking with Anna's.

"Y-yes, but Jae is strong. He will get through this!" Anna stated, y/n sighed and nodded.

Yoongi sat their in silence, listening. He felt devastated. He couldn't stop thinking about the horror of the events happening. How could he leave Y/n now?

"Y/n! My darling!" A smooth, warm voice called, Y/n turned to see her mother running towards her, arms wide apart. Y/n stood up and rushed to Mrs Shin's embrace. She sobbed into her  shoulder.

 Months with Bangtan // MYG x Reader Where stories live. Discover now