• You're stupid •

93 7 22

Your POV:


Anna stood up, her face still remained unreadable, her usual straight posture now slumped down.

"Jimin, called me a few hours ago telling me that... Yoongi had overdosed." Anna's voice now sounded dull, I felt nauseous, my knees trembling beneath me. My teeth shattered violently against each other.

"Y/n, he's fine. He's had checkups and everything seems good!" Anna said, her hand planting itself on my right shoulder. Glancing at it I smacked it off.

"N-no that's not the point, he tried to kill himself because of m-me." I choked out, as if on cue my knees stumbled and I lost balance and use of my legs. Anna jolted to my side and helped me stand, her face now showing pity and sorrow.

"Y/n." Anna sighed before sitting us down on the sofa and continued,

"I think we should all stop blaming ourselves over things, it's pointless. Life is short and precious and people choose how they want to live it.

You should choose what you actually want, not what everyone else wants. Be your own person." Anna finished, a weak tight lipped smile now expressing on her tanned skin.

"I-..." I tried forcing my words out but it seemed my voice was holding any sound against my will.

"Screw being smart, screw your sad excuse of a father, what does your heart want?" Anna chuckled, I took a deep breath, closing my eyes as the image of a black locked male with pale rounded faced cheeks, his eyes looking smooth and dark as coal. A gorgeous gummy smile, expressing rows of white teeth and gums. I reopened my eyes letting them adjust to the fluorescent rays of sun, a genuine small plastered on my lips.

"Yoongi." I blurted out, "I want Yoongi."

Anna gleamed happily, and then she got a text from Jimin.

Shortie chim🐥:
Are you coming back to Korea? Yoongi just woke up and well I may have told him you were coming back and he's asking for Y/n.

Me and Anna both read the message, my cheeks heating up, rouge spread across the apples of my cheeks.

I snatched the phone from Anna's hand and began typing a reply to Jimin, my fingers moving like the speed of lighting across the keyboard.

Anna banana 🍌😁:
Yes, me and Y/n are packing our things up and we should be there tomorrow morning. I sent the message in time before Anna retrieved her phone with a scolder shown on her face.

"Wait what do we do about this place?" I suddenly asked, Anna smirked smugly.

"Well, you dad paid for everything, we only own the clothes we brought so let's just leave." Anna said with a shrug. I just replied with a small nod.

As quickly as that we began pacing around the apartment and collecting up our clothes in bundles and throwing them into our cases.

And now we were back on our way to the airport.

Anna brought us plane tickets in a rush before we whizzed through security and boarded the plane back to Korea.


Time dragged once again and I felt so exhausted when me and Anna finally reached the front door step into our home. I opened the door and a creak sound echoed through the house, it seemed no one was home. I just left my case down stairs and made my way up to my room.

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