• Hold my hand •

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Your POV:

Two days had passed, Yoongi and I had been completely inseparable.

That night I fell asleep in Yoongi's arms, he was my comfort, my safe heaven.

They say when you meet your soulmate there's an automatic pull, making you gravitate towards one another, you feel as if you need the air put back into your lungs. Time seems to stop and you have all these urges, thirst for this person. Jungkook even goes on about hearing bells, and maybe he's right. The bells are the voices in your head, your subconscious mind alarming you.

Of course before I met bts I didn't know it would turn out like this, because I never knew I was going to spend all this time with them. I felt I had to stay away and keep my distance, but Yoongi made that so difficult.


"Y/n! Wake up we're going to the carnival!" Anna jumped onto me, shaking my body violently.

"W-what carnival?" I pushed her off me and sat up rubbing my eyes.

"The one that always comes to Busan! Come on! Jungkook is so excited and you can't let him down!" Anna rambled and shook me once again.

"Alright! I just woke up!" I barked, slapping her arm. Anna giggled before pulling my head close to her and cradled me in her arms.

"Awhhh you're so cute! Can't believe you lost your vi-" Anna landed on the floor with a thud.

"Yah! Shut up!" I frowned at her and she just smirked. "God, you act more like a child than I do!"

"But you love me!" She said in a funny voice and I just shook my head with a smile.

"Yes, unfortunately, now leave me to get dressed!" Anna laughed once again and left shouting 'I love you too!'

I rolled my eyes before standing up and going into my wardrobe.

What the heck do I where?

I decided on black, ripped jeans and a red baggy top with black vans. I combed my (Y/H/C) hair and put it into a messy bun.

As I was putting on my vans there was a knock at my door and I shouted a 'come in'

My door opened and there stood Jin with a plate of food. Jin had a kind smile plastered on his face.

"Made you breakfast! It's bacon and eggs." Jin stated before placing it on my bedside table and waited for me to finish tying my laces.

"Thanks, Jinnie!" I replied before pulling him in for a hug. He returned it gladly.

"You're welcome, y/n." He pulled away and his smile morphed into a frown, a lot like a mother scolding her kids.

"Now eat that quickly! We are waiting on you!" Jin said with a stern voice and left my room rather quickly after that.

I ate Jin's plate of food, it tasted like heaven- oh my lord!

When I was done, I left it on my bedside table, telling myself I'd wash it up later on, and left my room. Walking down the stairs, I heard voices arguing.

The maknae line.

"What's going on?" I asked as I got off the last step.

"Jimin wants to sit with Tae but Tae is my boyfriend and I want to sit next to him!" Jungkook whined with a pout and my heart melted at the cuteness.

"Yah! You always sit with him!" Jimin responded, crossing his arms over his chest.

"But he's my boy-" Kook was cut off by Tae putting an arm around his waist.

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