• I only want you •

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Yoongi's POV:


My eyes widened at Y/n's words.

"Your first?" I questioned, I knew exactly what she meant but I had to be sure, maybe she was joking?

Y/n looked away with red tinged cheeks, her breathing seemed to quicken. She let out a sigh and looked back at my face, locking her eyes with mine.

"Take my virginity, I only want you to have it. I trust you." Y/n smiled shyly before cupping my cheek with a hand. I removed her hand off my cheek and took both her hands in mine.

(A/n: I'm cringing)

"Y/n, I can't just take something like that away from you." I looked down, my heart clenched inside my chest and my stomach swooned. "I.. I don't want to hurt you."

Y/n gripped my hands tighter, her gaze never leaving my face. I didn't have to look up to see that warming smile.

"You won't hurt me, Yoongi. I already said I trusted you right?" Y/n reassured me and I bit down on my bottom lip, giving her a nod.

She leaned in, attaching her lips to mine, I snaked my arms around her waist, grazing her skin, returning the kiss. The kiss held passion and love. Our lips moving in sync. I licked and tugged at her lips and she let out a small moan, I took that as a chance to slide my tongue inside her mouth.

Y/n tangled her small fingers in my now matted hair, gripping hardly. I lightly pushed her down flat onto the bed without breaking our lustful kiss.

Y/n wrapped her legs around my waist and I felt something bubble inside of me. I glided my hands down her sides and got to the top of her leggings and pinged them, she let out a whin and I smirked into the kiss.

"S-stop teasing-" she breathed into the kiss and I nodded before pulling down her leggings, completely removing them. Her face flushed red and I smiled in a way reassuring her.

Third person POV:

Yoongi kissed Y/n's forehead before getting up and throwing off his ripped black jeans. Y/n couldn't look away, she felt weird but some what excited.

Y/n was about to give her all to none other than Min Yoongi. She wasn't complaining, it was just strange. This past month went far to quickly and now it seemed the more closer she grew to Yoongi the more further away he had to travel. She was willing to sacrifice anything and everything she had for him and he would do the exact same for her.

Yoongi hovered atop of Y/n, his hot breath fanning over her lips. Nervousness was clear in Yoongi's eyes, he'd done this times before but it never meant a thing, Y/n wasn't like the others, she was far from them. She was a fragile gem, almost waiting to be crushed up into something completely different and he didn't want that.

Underwear now off, Y/n just stared up into those black orbs.

"Y/n..? Do you have condoms?" Yoongi asked a little flushed. Y/n went red but giggled it off and pointed to the drawer.

"Anna has loads in there-" Yoongi smirked and went into the draw and found one before sliding it on effortlessly onto his throbbing member.

"Are you sure you wanna do this, Y/n?" Yoongi asked once more and Y/n smiled again giving him a nod.

Yoongi returned the smile before entering Y/n's tight walls. Y/n let out a gasp, gripping onto the bed sheets.

Yoongi was fully in but stopped, letting her adjust to his length, watching her face morph into a pain filled expression.

Y/n nodded for Yoongi to start moving and he immediately starting thrusting in and out, going faster with each thrust. Yoongi placed Y/n's arms around his neck before gripping her waist and quickening his pace.

Skin slapping echoed throughout the room, Y/n became a moaning mess. The pain soon forming into pleasure.

"G-go fas-ter.." Y/n huffed out, jolting her head backwards from the pure pleasure she felt. Yoongi did as commanded and fastened his thrusts, slamming himself into her walls hardly, repeatedly hitting her sweet-spot.

Both their climaxes were near and Y/n started to shake with pure ecstasy. Yoongi's movements became sloppy as he bit his bottom lip.

"I-" Y/n breathed out before coming, Yoongi followed after, filling up the rubber whole.

Yoongi pulled out and plonked down beside Y/n, removing the condom and taking her in his arms.

"You okay?" He asked in a soft, smooth voice. Y/n winced turning around in his embrace before meeting his eyes.

"Yeah, t-that was strangely amazing?" Y/n replied, her cheeks the shade of crimson. Yoongi chuckled at her remark and kissed her forehead.

"It really was." He let out a long sigh before pulling Y/n closing to his chest. Y/n managed to catch the cover and spread it over them.

Yoongi closed his eyes, letting his thoughts consume him, until a light tap on his chest made his eyes open suddenly.

"Yoongi.." Y/n whispered softly, Yoongi looked down at the angel in his arms. Smiling, he nodded for her to continue.

"I love you..." Y/n finished her cheeks red and slightly puffy. She looked exhausted.

Yoongi furrowed his brows, he had to let her words sink in. Y/n searched his face for answers, her heart skipping fast.

He looked at Y/n'a face and without a second thought he grinned before answering,

"And I love you."

He didn't need to think twice about answering because he knew all along that his heart belonged to Y/n and her only.

Nothing else mattered...


A/n: short chapter sorry. So how was the smut? It sucked didn't it, I know- I get so awkward writing smut. Hope you enjoyed nonetheless.

Also, ask questions here, I'm gunna do a q&a cause why not!

Goodbye lovelies! 💜💜

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