• After a comeback and being proud •

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*4 months later*

Your POV:

"Y/n, sweetheart? Can you pass me that box?" Yoongi asked, in a kind tone with a soft smile sitting upon his rounded face.

"Yeah of course." I replied, quickly lifting the box filled with multiple items, such as photo's and books, passing it to the now ash brown haired Yoongi.

If you're wondering, Yoongi and I had found an apartment close to my previous house. We both wanted a fresh start from everything and so we both brought, mainly Yoongi, a fairly decent sized place to live.

Yoongi and the rest of bts had successfully made their comeback and had released songs and a music video completely under my nose. The art and music was expressed so beautifully, I couldn't be more proud of my boys.

As for Anna, my mum allowed her to remain in my old home, which I didn't think was a bad idea considering, Anna is great company and that's what my mum needs.

Anna and I had applied for jobs as dance teachers at our local college of Arts in Busan, and luckily the college accepted us with open arms, maybe because they lacked teachers in the dance faculty or simple because 'jihope' said a few good things.

My so called dad, well, a court case was held about 2 months ago and he was pleaded guilty of not only assault but also fraud and illegal business with other known companies, and... the death of my brother. My dad had lied about Jae's case being worse than it was, Jae could've had treatment but that sick man had laced his bloodstream with some unknown harmful drug. The things that man would do and could have done if he hadn't gotten his own way.

Yoongi took the box from my hold and placed it down on the dark oak floor, by our cream coloured sofa.

The walls were painted a shade of grey and there in the middle of the lounge was a small fireplace, with a few ornaments and one picture frame containing a photo of me and Jae a week before his death. I tried not to dwell on it to much and smiled at the photograph.

"You alright, princess?" Yoongi said into my ear and he wrapped his arms around my waist from behind, back hugging me while placing his head in the crook my neck.

"Y-yeah. Just miss him." I replied, my voice slightly shaking, Yoongi placed a few butterfly kisses upon my neck before turning me around, keeping me in his arms.

"I know you do, remember he would be so proud of you." Yoongi stated, his gaze soft. I nodded with a bright smile, my eyes slightly crinkling.

"There's that smile I adore!" The ash brown haired male chuckled lowly and my heart still fluttered by that sound. Music to my ears.

After a long hug, the both of us sat on the sofa with a sigh, exhausted from pacing around and organising our belongings.

Yoongi's phone buzzed and he swiftly took it from his pocket and messaged the person back instantly. I chose to ignore by closing my eyes.

Yoongi's POV:

Jimine 😁:
Everything is all set, we got you yoongs! 😘

Yoongs ✊🏻:
Thanks for everything chim, I owe my life to you and our gang.

I locked my phone and glanced over at Y/n, her eyes shut, her face expressing a calm look and her long eyelashes fanned her naturally rosy cheeks.

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