• Rain •

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(A/n: ^ what I listened to before writing this, listen if you want to?)

Yoongi's POV, a few hours before:

I ran, my feet just carried me out of that hospital, I should have gone back to Y/n. However, I allowed my fears to take control, all her words stuck permanently like a tattoo, Y/n was hurt, she was torn.

I hadn't cried in years, at least not over one person, I love Y/n so much, I'd do anything for her, the thought of her made me sob even more as I stood still on the pavement, letting the rain pour down onto me.

The rain really showed how the world really was, it was miserable and cold.

I reached into my back pocket and pulled out my phone, my heart was clenching harshly at my chest and I needed to vent. I dialled a number, someone I could always talk to.

"Yoongi?" The soft voice asked, I continued to weep. "Yoongi? What's wrong?"

"J-Jimin, Y/n- s-she..." I couldn't speak, my voice felt like a knife cutting into my throat.

"Okay, calm down. Where are you, Hyung?" Jimin asked again, his voice calming.

"T-the bus stop near the hospital." I managed to croak out.

"I'll be there soon, just calm down, okay?" Jimin said before ending the call.

I waited for about 20 minutes, still standing in the rain, I didn't care anymore.

"Yoongi." I looked up to see Jimin, his face forming a frown, he was carrying a black umbrella, which now covered the both of us.

"Hi." I grumbled, Jimin sighed before gesturing me to sit down on the bench by us. I sat down with him, my eyes burning down at the damp ground.

"What happened?" Jimin asked, concern clear in his voice.

"Y/n, she ended everything, Jimin. S-she doesn't want to see me anymore." I glanced at Jimin's face, it shifted into shock.

"W-why? Did she say why?" His voice came out as a small whisper.

"She thinks her dad is going to hurt us all, a-and she's leaving, s-she is going to Hong Kong." I concluded, twiddling with my fingers.

"Yoongi, I-I'm so sor-" Jimin was cut off by his phone ringing, he picked up instantly.

"W-what?" Jimin looked at me, pure sadness showing, "Yes, okay. Anna calm down. We will.. be back soon." He ended the call with a sigh, his aura darkened.

"W-what happened?" I asked, I had a bad gut feeling now.

Is Y/n okay?

"J-Jae... passed away ten minutes ago.." Jimin replied, his eyes searching my face.

I stood up and began walking back towards the hospital, when a small hand grabbed my shoulder. I turned back and glared at the worried Jimin.

"Yoongi, don't, if Y/n said stay away... don't go back there. Her mum is with her now." Jimin stated, he looked conflicted.

"Jimin, I'm her bo-" I stopped myself, Jimin gave me a pitied look before rubbing my shoulder.

"Let's go.."


It was the last time I'd be stepping foot in Y/n's home, I knew this day would come but I'd hoped I'd taken her with me, that was my plan. That obviously changed today.

Anna rushed down the stairs, tear stains down her cheeks. I knew exactly how she felt right now..

Jimin told her everything as I stared blankly at the living room wall. My thoughts clouded by the un forgetful memories I'd shared with Y/n and everything.

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