• Big Brother mode •

189 11 53

Your POV:

The vibrant rays of sun seeped through the blinds, I opened my eyes and allowed them to adjust to the brightness.

I smiled to myself recalling the events that occurred last night after my sudden melt down.

How Yoongi held me in his warm embrace, how safe I felt in his arms. The way he spoke so softly to me and made the heavy ache in my chest disappear. Or maybe how I asked him to be my boyfriend and he told me he'd be with me for eternity.

Okay, maybe I'm a bit love struck? Maybe all this will soon end dramatically, my heart will crumble as the pain hits me. But I can't let that bother me, last night I let myself down, I let my guard down. I want to focus on what's happening now.

I was knocked out of my thoughts when I heard my name being called, looking up I saw Anna smiling, that caring smile.

"S-sorry, did you say something?" I asked sitting up on my bed. That reminded me, Yoongi must have taken me here?

"Don't apologise. I asked if you were alright now?" Anna's face turned into a concerned expression. I smiled while nodding.

"Y-yeah, I'm okay." My smile faded and I looked down. I heard a sigh and then my bed dipped beside me. An arm then wrapped around my shoulders.

"What's bugging you?" Anna asked, looking at my face, for any possible answer. I bit down onto my bottom lip.

"I'm not sure, I feel fine." I looked up into her hazel eyes. "But I'm worried too?"

"Worried about what?" She spoke softly, giving my arm a rub. That instantly reassured me that she was listening.

"About talking to Jae... oppa." I said barely inaudible but Anna caught it.

"Don't be, he's your brother after all and yesterday you were just overwhelmed to see him after such a long time." Anna turned her body to face me more before continuing.

"I've spoken to him and he understands, you can talk to him when you are ready. Okay?" She finished with a warm smile.

"Okay." I returned the smile and hugged her, she instantly hugged back.

"I'm always here you know? Yesterday just proved that I needed to be there for you more." Anna pulled away and sighed.

"Anna, you have always been there for me, yesterday was just a fracture in the making. Don't feel bad about anything." I reassured her. She just nodded with a tight lipped smile.

"I love you, y/n." She giggled.

"Love you too, Anna." I rolled my eyes playfully. Anna gave me a light smack and we both broke into giggles.


Yoongi's POV:

Recently I've been walking around the halls of this place, I've even been inside a few odd rooms. Y/n never mentioned she had a library, it was filled with shelves, books on books stacked all over the library.

It was my second time in this library, I didn't even know there was a light until I walked into the lit room. Was someone else here?

"Hello?" I called out, looking around slightly.

(A/n: suddenly the scream dude pops up)

There wasn't a reply so I just shrugged and sat down by the computer desk and went on my phone. It was quite peaceful in here.

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