• I won this for you •

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Your POV:

So far Yoongi had played 5 games and had won a prize 4 times out of 5, so I was basically carrying 3 stuffed animals, Yoongi carried the last.

Today had been awesome so far.

"Hey, honey? Wanna watch me shoot some hops?" Yoongi asked with a cute grin plastered on his face. I nodded with a tint of crimson upon my cheeks.

'Honey?' I like that-

"Cool! Mind holding this?" He asked again and I held onto the stuffed bunny tightly along with, a lion, a bear and a unicorn.

Yoongi gave the money to the lady and began throwing the basket balls. He missed the first two but then picked up his pace and got a shot every time. I watched in amazement. This is my boyfriend.

He finished with a wide smile on getting way over the score limit.

"You're like a machine!" I giggled before the lady handed us a massive dog stuffed animal and at this point I couldn't carry much more.

Yoongi thanked the lady before taking three of the stuffed toys from me and we decided to go get something to eat.

We arrived at a food van and Yoongi brought us two burgers. He handed me one and we sat on a near by bench to eat.

"Thanks for today, Yoongles." I spoke up finishing my mouth full.

"You're welcome, honey." He replied. My face flushed once again and he cocked a brow. "What? Don't you like me calling you that?"

I shook my head in disagreement. "N-no I like it."

"Oh? Well can I continue calling you, honey?" He asked with a cheeky grin, which melted my heart.

"Yeah, sure." I gave him a tight lipped smile and he let out a low chuckle.

"Y/n." He called with a small smile.

"Yeah?" I replied cocking a brow. His smile widened and his cheeks went red.

"I love you." Yoongi said, my heart rate increased suddenly.

"And I love you." I replied, a soft smile playing on my lips.


Third person POV(Jimin and Hoseok focus):

Jimin and Hoseok had stopped going on rides after the first one, they both agreed that it was far to nerve racking and well Jimin would do anything to please his Hyung.

"Jiminie, can we go play some games?" Hoseok asked the younger with a bright smile spread across his face.

"Of course, Hyung!" Jimin replied, returning the smile.

The two went over to the duck hook game, where you had to try hook a rod onto the hook on the duck in order to win; Jimin explained to Hoseok, who nodded in understanding.

Jimin paid the instructor before grabbing a rod and carefully tried to get a duck, within five seconds he hooked a duck and pulled it out of the water. The instructor smiled before handing the younger a small stuffed bear.

Hoseok clapped excitedly before Jimin holds the toy out for the older. The latter gives him a puzzled look.

"I won this for you." Jimin choked out quickly, his cheeks going the shade of rouge. Hoseok's confused face morphed into a huge smile.

"Awh! Thanks, Jiminie!" Hoseok took the stuffed toy before pulling the younger in for a hug, which Jimin returned instantly.

Jimin's heart hammered against his chest. A smile crept up onto his face. Hoseok pulled away and held out his free hand.

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