• Jealous •

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A/N: I find this picture of yoongs way to cute uwu.


*1 week later*

Your POV:

This week has probably been the most amazing week I've ever experienced, the boys have been so sweet and I really consider them as my friends.

"Y/n, we are going to play catch the flag. Wanna join? We are playing in teams." Anna whispered patting my shoulder.

"Yeah sure." I smiled nodding. Anna returned the smile as we made our way over to the seven boys.

"Y/n! Be on my team!" Hoseok cheered, grabbing my hand to pull me closer to him and Namjoon.

My cheeks expressed the colour of red at the sudden action of Hoseok's hand touching mine.

"O-okay." I stuttered.

The teams were,

Me, Namjoon, Hoseok.

Jimin, Yoongi, Taehyung.

Jin, Jungkook and Anna.

"I'm going to beat you, Y/n! I'm way faster than you." Anna chuckled.

"But I'm shorter and alert." I grinned, to which Anna just rolled her hazel orbs.

The game kicked off fairly quickly, Anna was of course ahead with 2 flags. I would say she was a very good team player but maybe it's because she has Jungkook, who of course is good at everything.

"We are not going to get a flag at this point." Namjoon sighed in defeat.

"Joon, have a little faith." Hoseok grumbled before patting his back.

I caught eye of something white ahead in the bushes, but I saw a black haired male already making his way towards it. So I sprinted as fast as could, knocking the male aside, grabbing the flag.

That certain male being Min Yoongi.

A/N: I love black haired Yoongi!

"Y/n! You are amazing!" Hoseok shouted, showing a blinding pair of white teeth.

"I know." I smirked, flipping my hair back, in an attempt to be sassy.

Hoseok let out a deep chuckle. "You're fantastic." He put an arm around me. This time I didn't mind, it felt quite comforting.

I had the oppression someone was watching me closely, which made me feel nervous but I shrugged it off as my team and I strutted forwards outside.

Yoongi's POV:

I hate it. I hate how he puts his hands on Y/n. He has the ability to be close with her and I don't even get a chance. Hoseok is one of my best friends but I can't help but feel envy towards him.

"Hey, Yoongs? You okay?" Taehyung said to the side of me. I gave him a short lip smile.

"Yeah, just a little tired." I shrugged. Taehyung nodded in understanding.

"Yeah, me too. Don't worry I think there is one more flag to get." Taehyung expressed a smile before going ahead with Jimin.


Your POV:

Anna's team was announced the winners.

"Hah! I told you I'd win!" Anna laughed in my face, so I pushed her face away.

"You mean, your team won." I rolled my eyes.

"It's okay, Y/n. We did pretty well!" Namjoon cheered. I nodded with a wide smile.

"Of course! I'd love to be on your team again."

"That's good to hear! Cause me too!" Hoseok agreed before plonking down next to me on the grass.

The day went on. I spent it talking to Hoseok and Namjoon. Sometimes 'Taekook' would come into our conversations.

"Yah! Guys let's have a mini party tonight! Ya'know?" Jimin suggested.

"Oh that sounds good! Anyone else agree?" Hoseok asked looking around.

Everyone nodded, I hesitated at first.

Should I? Fuck it-

"Yeah sure! Sounds fun." I answered.

Everyone cheered.


A/N: hey guys! Sorry this chapter is so short, I'm currently writing this on a plane. Hehe. Anyway I'm trying build the story. So I hope you are enjoying it.

Love you my lovelies! 💜💜

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