• You and Me •

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Third person POV:

"Anna? What are you doing out here? It's freezing!" A deep voice spoke up behind Anna, sending chills throughout her body. She didn't want to turn round, the person would see she had been crying.

"Anna? Are you alright?" The voice called again, this time placing a hand on her shoulder and turning her around by force.

Jae's eyes widened, his face becoming soft, his eyes filled with sorrow.

"Annabelle?" Jae now asked, his heart slammed against his chest, he hated seeing Anna this way, well he's only ever seen her this way once. When her aunt passed. Jae only ever called her by her full name when he was serious.

"I- I feel trapped, Jae." Anna choked out, a hiccup coming after. Jae didn't reply at all he just looked down. The silence was suffocating.

"I can't be strong anymo-" Anna was cut off by two arms wrapping around her torso and pulling her into his chest.

"Yes you can. You are so brave Anna. And without you, Y/n would be so lost." Jae mumbled, Anna held Jae tighter.

"I can't imagine how much you're hurting right now, but I'm here for you. Always." Jae finished and pulled away cupping Anna's cheeks in his large hands.

"Jae, can we go inside? I'm cold." Anna stated. Jae chuckled, giving her a nod before walking her inside.

(A/n: I give you Janna (; )


Your POV (2 days later):

I made my way down to the studio. My hair up in a high ponytail and I wore a white top,  black leggings and black vans. Completely laid back.

The studio had become a place to just hang out.

I opened the doors and everyone was all huddled close together. I approached them all with a questioning look.

"What's happening?" I asked, now standing along with them.

"We have a meeting today with our company, it's about going back to Seoul in a month. It's kinda in your living room-" Namjoon replied quickly. My stomach dropped at the sudden words that so easily escaped Namjoon's mouth.

"Oh? w-what time?" I stammered, going slightly red.

"In about 5 minutes?" Jin spoke up, noticing my red face, his gaze softened. I nodded.

Yoongi moved next to me and gave me a small smile. I didn't return it, I wish I could have because it morphed into a frown after.

"You can come if you want, Y/n?" Namjoon asked with a smile. I perked my head up and nodded with a smile.

Just like that we all headed out of the studio. My feet dragged across the floor.

Yoongi watched from behind and sighed before grabbing my arm and pulling me close to him. The others stopped and stared. I raised my brows in confusion.

"Screw this meeting, let's hang out? Just you and me?" Yoongi asked with pleading eyes. I smiled and nodded. My heart thumping against my chest violently.

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