• The Young Actress •

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Your POV:


Time passes by easily, people 'heal' over time, it's everywhere, read on your phone, on a clock, but it's the waiting that's hard, you don't know what could happen next or after. It's just a few numbers shown, but those numbers hold so much importance.

"Stop that." Anna scolded me, crossing her arms over her chest, her body facing me.

"Stop what?" I asked, furrowing my brows together.

"Sitting there feeling sorry for yourself, let's watch Tv of dance or just do something." Anna huffed out.

I just looked away, continuing to stare holes into the floor.

"Y/n, why do you let that- that horrible man control you?" She spoke with a quiet voice, a little worry clear. I just sighed and returned my gaze towards her.

"Because, that man is my father, and unfortunately he has the pow-" I started,

"Power? Y/n, you are 20 years old! You are not a child anymore! Why are you letting him push you around!" Anna interrupted, her tone stern, her eyes burning right through me.

"I have no choice! Please just understand me for once? Please can you just let me do this?" I spoke up, Anna's face shifted into a small frown.

"This is my choice, not yours, not his, no ones but mine! Yes he made me but I don't want to stay here any longer, it fucking hurts! And you know what, my whole life is a lie." I finished, Anna looked at me conflicted.

"A lie? So me caring for you was a lie, Y/n? Yoongi was a lie?" Anna barked back angrily, I didn't flinch. I was use to Anna getting angry at times.

"No, of course not! But why are you bringing.. h-him into this?" My voice cracked, my heart skipped a beat hearing his name.


"Because he has done nothing but care for you too! Everyone cares about you Y/n!" Anna exclaimed,

"Yes, I get it, you found out your dad had an affair and your mum isn't your mum." Anna looked at me with pity before continuing,

"I know you're hurting over Jae! But I am too, okay? I loved him so fucking much, Y/n! A-and he's gone now- s-so please can you just cheer up f-for a few hours?" Anna finished, tears now streaming down her olive skinned cheeks.

I shifted over to her and wrapped my arms around her neck, embracing her in for a hug. She hugged back,

"A-Anna, I'm sorry, I know you feel awful. I shouldn't be so harsh on you, y-you're like a sister to me.." I said, rubbing her back.

Anna pulled away, a weak smile upon her face.

"You too, bu-"

"Y/n, can we talk?" My mum stepped into the room, a few tear stains on her cheeks.

"H-how long have you been there?" I asked, a little confused.

"Long enough, come on." She spoke before exiting the room, I gave Anna a smile and left after my mum.

"Do you really think your life has been a lie?" She croaked out, my face dropped and I felt so much guilt.

"Y-yes, m-mum." I said, turning my head away from her.

"What do you wanna know?" She asked, I snapped my head back to her, now even more puzzled.

"W-what do you mean?"

"Do you wanna know about your birth mum? About what happened?" She questioned, her eyes scanning me, I nodded, my face expressing shock.

"Okay, I'll start with her name and where she was was from."

(A/n: *sips tea* )

"Her name was Scarlett Adams, and she was a young British actress, she came to Korea on a trip." I listened closely, intrigued.

"I was her mentor, at the time she was only 21, a year older than you and I was 27. She was beautiful and talented for sure, which fascinated your father."

She was so young..

"Y-your father of course had an affair with her and I soon found out because she told me, Scarlett had become my best friend, I felt betrayed.

She had told me she didn't want you because she wasn't ready to have children yet, she cared more about her career. So we made an agreement." My mum now had tears falling from her eyes.

"M-mum? You don't have to, it's o-"

"No, no," she took a deep breath and continued,

"We made the agreement that I'd take you as soon as your birth, and Scarlett would provide for you, but she died during birthing you as you know. Your father was furious, he didn't plan on having you and Scarlett had kept her whole pregnancy secret until I had brought you home." She took a step closer to me and cupped my face in her hands.

"You remind me of her sometimes, how weird is that? Hadn't you ever thought about the way you looked?" She asked, bitting down on her lip nervously.

"All the time, I kinda knew." I looked down at my feet.

"I'm sorry I kept it from you, honey." My mums voice broke, her hands trembling against my cheeks.

"Now that I know, I'm not mad anymore, I'm happy but sad." I said, locking eyes with my mum.

"Why is that?" She asked, confusion shown on her face.

"Because I want you to be my birth mum, Scarlett sounded beautiful and all that but I'd never have had her anyway, you are always going to be my mum, now the real lie is dad." I explained, a stray tear gliding down my cheek.

"Y/n, your father was really something when we were young, he did horrible things but he provided for you." She stated, trying to believe her own words.

"He did, and that's the only thing I'm grateful for. I'm not going to Hong Kong forever mum, just for a while, I need a break from here." I said.

"I understand, honey. We should get you to that airport then." She replied with a soft smile and I returned it.


My dad had left my ticket with my mum, which I was glad about. Soon,  me and Anna had travelled through all security and boarded the plane quickly.

And now I sat by the plane window, looking down at what went by, white puffy clouds skimmed past, the now tinged orange sky shone effortlessly, almost blinding.

Anna sat by me, headphones in not paying any attention.

I gulped as I leaned back and closed my eyes, taking in everything that's happened in the course of a week.

A familiar face kept appearing in my mind, his black hair and coal eyes looking more prettier than usual, I just wanted to leave everything behind but my feelings seemed to just grow more. I hated it,

I just wanted to be at peace but how could I when Min Yoongi was constantly on my mind!


A/n: sorry for the boring chapter, I'm trying to build the storyline I guess? So now you know about Y/n's real mother haha-

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A/n: sorry for the boring chapter, I'm trying to build the storyline I guess? So now you know about Y/n's real mother haha-

Goodnight/day lovelies 💜

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