• Princess? •

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*two weeks later* (A/n: I know there's a lot of time skips but bare with me)

Your POV:

Time really flies when you're enjoying life, it's almost hypnotising. One minute you can be sitting in your room wishing to meet your idols and the next you are laughing and talking with none other but them.

It's a blessing.

"Hobi-ssi, remember that time you slipped on stage but then covered it up with a moonwalk?" Jimin said through fits of laughter, his eyes forming those cute crescents.

"Oh my, that was so embarrassing! But Army thought it was funny, so I'm not bothered." Hoseok also laughed.

I also let out a laugh at the memory of seeing Hoseok slip. The laughter soon died down and a new topic was starting up and I couldn't help but notice a pair of eyes piercing through me.

I shifted my gaze to the brooding black orbs belonging to Min Yoongi.

Why is he staring at me like that? I thought as my eyes never left his and to be honest I felt myself getting lost in the pools of coal. Yoongi soon broke the eye contact and adverted his attention to the conversation.

"We should all go watch a movie in the theatre, you have one don't you Y/n?" Jungkook asked giving a slight smile.

I was still focused on Yoongi, these days he's been making me feel all giddy. Yoongi has this aura of 'don't touch me but please hug me' and at that, I chuckled to myself.

"Uh? Y/n?" Jungkook called this time, I instantly snapped my attention to him.

"Sorry, what were you saying?" I asked with a puzzled look which shared the tint of red on my cheeks.

Yoongi's POV:

I let out a chuckle towards Y/n. She's so adorable when she zones out.

"I asked if we could go watch a movie in the theatre?" Jungkook replied with a smirk.

"Oh? Of course! You wanna go now?" Y/n asked scratching her nape, which was clear she was nervous.

Jungkook nodded with a bunny smile. Y/n returned it as everyone stood, to which Anna lead the way.

Mine and Y/n's long lasting eye contact made me shiver and these past few weeks it's been getting harder to restrain myself from running up to her and holding her in my arms. When I go back to our kiss that first night, it makes me want to relive it over and over again. It may be wrong to feel this way about her but to me it's not. Who wouldn't fall for such a warm hearted person, such a beautiful person? She's special and it makes me want her all to myself. She's mine to claim.

"Y-Yoongi?" A angelic, sweet voice called and I knew who that voice belonged to. I turned to see a concerned Y/n.

"Um- yeah?" I asked sheepishly.

"Are you going to join us?" She replied with a slight giggle which made me smile. I would have lost control right there.

"Oh! Right yeah of course." I smiled before walking along with her to catch up with the others.

<3 (a/n: this is George everyone)

We were currently watching the movie 'Call me by your name' it was coming to an end pretty soon and to be perfectly honest I wasn't even paying attention. I was more interested in the pretty girl sitting two seats away from me. Y/n.

Suddenly, Y/n got up to take a call, it seemed important since she stepped out the room. I found my self jolt up and follow her out which lead to a few odd stares from Jin and Namjoon.

I followed her down the hall and listened to what she was saying, which was probably not the best idea but I don't care, I'm worried about her.

"Dad, yes I know work is important but you promised!" I heard her voice crack as the words flowed out of her mouth.

"Please, Dad! You've been gone for over a month, that's the longest time!" She leaned against wall and slid down it.

I felt my heart ache as I watched tears stream down her rosy cheeks.

"O-okay, well see you in another two weeks. Yeah, okay. Love you too." She let out a shaky sigh standing up and began walking to the studio. I decided to continue following her but I don't know what came over me but I sprinted and grabbed her wrist pulling her back.

Her face turned into shock as her glassy eyes looked into mine.

"Y-Yoongi? W-wha-" I cut her off by pulling her into my chest and just held her fragile frame in mine. Soon after she pulled away with a confused expression, her eyebrows fused together.

"Why did you do that?" She asked with a hoarse voice.

I sighed before pulling her into what I assumed to be a small closet, and pinned her against the wall. She let out a yelp.

"W-what are you doing!?" She banged her fists on my chest which held no effect at all, the only thing that hurt was my heart. "Answer me!" She barked as another tear escaped from her right eye.

"Can I kiss you?" I asked as I placed a hand upon her cheek.

I can't hold back anymore, I need her and I want to her so badly.

"W-what?" She replied with a whisper.

"I want to kiss you so badly, Y/n." I cooed, locking my eyes with hers once again.

"I'm nothing but a fan, you don't feel that way about me." She spoke up and it almost sounded like a question.

Does she feel anything towards me?

"You're wrong, princess. I feel many things towards you." I replied with a smirk now.

"Y-you do? And Princess?" She asked before I smashed my lips upon hers, she soon complied as she tangled her fingers into my black locks.

I pressed her harder against the wall and licked her bottom lip for entrance into her mouth, she accepted and I rammed my tongue into her crevice and explored every inch of her mouth. She let out a small wimber and I swallowed it by deepening the kiss.

We both pulled away out of breath but I wasn't finished yet.

I wanted more..


A/n: hey all! I updated two days in a row wow! I should be doing homework right now but oh well haha! Anyway did you like this chapter ;) are you ready for the next one? I am hhehehe! Anyway-

Bye my beautiful lovelies! 💜💜

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