• Secret kisses •

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Yoongi's POV:

The sound of birds chirping ringed in my ears. Curse those birds for waking me up!

I groaned wanting to turn over but I was blocked by a small frame, huddled into me. I smiled as I stroked her (y/h/c) hair lightly. Her eyes fluttered open and she shot up in shock.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I sat up quickly beside her.

Her face went a shade of rouge. "N-nothing. Just forgot I was in your room. I fell asleep by accident I'm sorry." She chewed down onto her bottom lip.

"I didn't want to you wake up, you looked so peaceful." I let out a chuckle watching her blush raise to the tips of her ears.

"S-stop it.." she squeaked before standing up. "W-what time is it?" She asked in a hurried tone.

"10:17am, why?" I cocked a brow, giving her a fake frown.

"Oh god! I was meant to wake up hours ago- me and Anna do our dance practice on Wednesday's!" She placed her hands on her head and paced around what was now currently my room.

"Hey don't worry about it. How about we just don't turn up at all? We could hang out." I began saying a plan.

She gave me a small smile. "I'd love too, but we can't just not turn up Yoongles."

"I guess you're right." I sighed before I felt my cheeks heat up. "Wait, Yoongles?" I asked.

She also went a shade of red. "Y-yeah? I can call you that right?" She replied while scratching the back of her nape.

"Of course, it's just a new one." I laughed, to which she started to giggle as well.

Her laugh is so cute and funny..

"Well only I can call you that and we sho-" she got cut off by her phone suddenly ringing.

She picked up with a frown.


"Y/n?! Where the fuck are you?!" Anna screamed down the phone which I could hear pretty well considering she wasn't on loud speaker.

"I'm so sorry, I over slept. I'll make it up to you! Don't say anything about where I was to the others.." y/n whined, I chuckled to myself.

Wonder what she'd sound like in be- no Yoongi bad! I shook my thoughts away.

"You better because I'm pissed! It's so hard to lie for you. Not to mention, Yoongi isn't here either!" She rambled.

"I know, I'm sorry. I'll be down as soon as I can. Thanks." She sighed as she hung up.

"She's dramatic." I stated.

"She's Anna." She chuckled but then frowned. "I should go get ready. Sorry." She looked down in disappointment.

I got of the bed and walked over to her. "No worries, I'll see you pretty soon anyway." I held her chin and lifted her head up to look into her eyes.

"I guess so." She sighed before backing away. "Bye Yoongles." She laughed before running out of the room.

I shook my head smiling. "Aish, this girl has got me whipped."

Your POV:

I dashed into my room before slamming the door still in fits of laughter.

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