• Please don't •

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2 weeks later..

Your POV:

Two weeks, two weeks I had left with the boys. I had two more weeks until I had to say goodbye to Yoongi. I plan to make every minute count.

I now sat on Yoongi's lap, scrolling through my phone, Yoongi just watched my finger swipe up continuously.

"Hey! Y/n, Yoongi, do you guys wanna join our game of never have I ever?" Jungkook said with a wide smile. Yoongi looked up from my phone, a bored expression, no interest at all.

"Er, sure? What do we do exactly?" I asked, I turned to see Yoongi's face and bit my lip. Soon the older black haired boys expression softened.

"Well, if you have done something then you take a shot of soju and if you haven't you don't. It's pretty simple." The youngest shrugged. I laughed at my stupidity before I got up off Yoongi, who seemed to be un-impressed.

"Okay, sounds fun." I spoke up before pulling Yoongi over to the others.

We all sat in a circle, deja vu hit me.

Me, Yoongi, Hoseok, Jimin, Anna, now Jae, Jin, Namjoon, Taehyung and Jungkook.

"Alright, I'll start." Namjoon cleared his throat.

"Why did I agree to this?" Jin mumbled to himself, Namjoon heard and only smirked.

"Never have I ever, broke a plate." Namjoon said before taking a shot of soju.

"Well that's no surprise." Yoongi spoke up, a chuckle following after. Me and Jae then took a shot.

"You two have too!" Namjoon said, a little to happily. I nodded with a grin upon my face.

"Me next!" Taehyung called and we all gave a nod. "Never have I ever, kept my feelings from someone?" This time everyone took a shot.

Dang, how disloyal..

"Ooh! Never have I ever, disobeyed my parents." Jungkook questioned. Jae and Hoseok both took a shot. Me and Anna looked at Jae, he wore a pained expression on his face.

"J-Jae? Are you alright?" I asked softly, everyone then turned their heads towards Jae.

"Yeah, yeah, just a headache." He replied, waving his hand, shrugging it off like no big deal.

"Maybe you shouldn't play this then?" Anna rolled her eyes.

"No it's fine, I wanna play. It's nothing honestly." Jae shrugged. Everyone said an 'okay'.

It was now my turn.

"Uh- Never have I ever, got into a fight?" I scratched my neck nervously before taking a shot of soju, Anna, Jae and Yoongi all took a shot too.

"Woah! What happened?" Jungkook gave me a surprised look. I just giggled.

"Some girl kept calling me a failure so I told her to stop, she punched me and I punched back, she started crying and I got excluded for it." I shrugged. Jae and Anna both shook their heads grinning.

"That's not fair!" Jimin spoke up loudly, crossing his arms.

"It's not, but she left me alone after that." I replied, Jimin agreed showing his bright eye smile.

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