• screw that shit •

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Third person POV:

Yoongi held Y/n close to his body afraid she'd disappear if he let her go. His heart racing dramatically against his heaving chest. The atmosphere was light, like the storm that had happened was slowly decreasing bit by bit and the two star crossed lovers could finally breathe.

"I'm getting discharged today." Yoongi spoke just above a whisper, his voice vibrating down Y/n's neck, causing her to shiver.

"That's good news." Y/n answered pulling slightly away from the black haired males embrace.

Yoongi nodded showing a tight lipped smile. His cheeks creasing under his hooded coal eyes. The smile soon faded as his attention went to the floor, a frown now witnessed upon his rounded face.

"Y-Yoongi? What's wrong?" Y/n asked, her voice escaping her mouth softly, the male gazed up into her eyes, his being clouded by yet to fall tears.

"D-don't you have to go back to Hong Kong? You have to leave me.." Yoongi's voice cracked, the tears making theirs way down his pale, milky skin.

Y/n shook her head with a wide smile expressed across her face, Yoongi gave her a puzzled look.

"Screw that shit, I'm staying here with you and the people that matter. If you think things could work out?" Y/n replied, mumbling the last sentence.

"In that case, come with me, stay with me Y/n. I don't care what people say, you are my world. The light at the end of the tunnel that I've been trying to reach so desperately. I can give you anything you ask for and we can even start a family when we are ready, we can get married and-" Yoongi was cut off from his sweet ramble by a pair of lips being planted upon his.

Y/n moved away, a smirk tugging at her lips.

"That sounds perfect."

Yoongi's face looked as if it were glowing, his heart doing flip flops.


Your POV:

Once Yoongi was able to stand and be discharged we made our way out the hospital. It was raining once again but this time it looked stunning as the droplets hit the damp ground, the sky full of glistening, grey clouds. The cold air pricking at our faces.

A red bmw pulled up in front of us, the window slowly disappearing, revealing a familiar bright smile, eyes forming crescents. Then another smile appeared to the side, white teeth on show, the sun had nothing on that smile.

"Jiminie! Hobi!" I yelped running to the car window. The said names chuckled lightly.

"Hey, Y/n. Have you been looking after Yoongi-hyung?" Jimin asked, his smile not fading one bit.

"Of course!" I replied, a giggle following after. Yoongi glanced at me, his orbs scanning.

"Yoongi, stop eye raping the girl and get in!" Hoseok spoke up, his voice mocking. Yoongi now had red spreading across his cheeks.

We got in the back quickly before Hoseok started the engine and drove away from the hospital.

"Your house, Y/n?" Hoseok asked which came out more like a statement.

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