• Pizza •

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Your POV:

I was currently walking my way down one of the many hallways in my house, well mansion would be the proper way to describe it, having rich parents had its perks. I had around six bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 1 kitchen, 2 lounges, a movie theatre and dance studio. Call me spoiled.

You see my parents were never ever home and when they were it was for a week or two at most, they both had important jobs, dad running a huge business and mum being a manger in a fashion store.

My parents allowed my best friend to live here with me, since her parents were good friends with mine. It's amazing having her live with me; I guess now the boys are to be living here for two months now too.

I halted when I came to the open space which contained three of the bedrooms.

"H-here's where you guys will be staying.." I turned and looked upon the seven. "There's only three so.. u-uh there would have to be three of you in one room. Sorry.." I tugged at my bottom lip.

"No worries, Y/n! We will decide amongst our selves." Namjoon spoke before giving me his famous dimples as he smiled.

Oh my god.. i died inside.

"O-okay, would you like me to help you guys with anything else?" I asked scratching the back of my nape nervously.

"No, we should be fine. Thank you for welcoming us with open arms!" Namjoon replied before bowing.

"Oh please don't be like that! I should be thanking you for- well being here!" I laughed awkwardly.

Oh gosh I'm so bad at this! I'm ruining it for myself..

"You're so sweet and lovely, Y/n!" Jimin chuckled as he shook his head. I can feel my face heat up.

"O-oh thanks, Jimin." I spoke up before flashing him a shy smile.

"No problem!" Jimin spoke up again, smiling widely making his eyes form moon crescents.

"Come on, chim, let's share a room! And leave the poor girl alone, she's already a blushing mess!" Hoseok exclaimed before smacking the back of Jimin's head, to which he soon rubbed it scolding Hoseok. "Excuse him, he's a flirt!"

"I am not!" Jimin whined.

"It's o-kay." I stuttered. "I'll go now. I'll see you guys later?" I bowed before quickly walking back to the studio.

Third person POV:

"She's so cute." Taehyung cooed.

"But I'm way cuter? R-right?" Jungkook pouted at Taehyung.

"Of course, Kook!" Taehyung ruffled the younger's hair before pulling him into one of the bedrooms.

"Well I guess they claimed that one? Jin wanna room with me?" Namjoon asked grinning at Jin.

"Sure, I'd love to, Joon!" Jin clapped his hands excitedly before also dragging him into a bedroom. Which lead to Yoongi being left alone.

"Gee, thanks guys." Yoongi rolled his eyes before walking back down the hall. "I'll just have to think of else where to sleep? Y/n, might have a spare room.. I hope? Because I am not sharing a room with those fools."

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