Chapter 6 Peace Before the Storm

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Two weeks have passed since the jail break. Roman joined us here at Anteiku. But first we died his hair brown and gave him blue contacts to change his appearance. I had Tock train him, it was rough at first, but he got better. Unfortunately, Roman and Tock get and each others nerves. My train of thought was disrupted by a cup breaking.

Tock: God dammit Roman, that's the fifth one this week!

Roman: Shut up, I don't see you carrying all this crap.

Roman and Tock continue to bicker as Jade and Aaron watch in amusement. In other news, Neo took her first step last week. I was sitting on the couch as Neo was crawling, I watched as she held onto the couch as she pulled her self up. My eyes were glued to her waiting for that moment. And then it finally came as she started to walk. I was so proud of her. I gave Neo ice cream as a treat later that night. I can't believe all the stuff that has happened to me in this year. I go from mass murder to father and owner of a small coffee shop. For the first time in my life it felt like I had a family. Unfortunately with all my recent activity, I'm afraid the authorities would find us. And when they would, I will be ready.


Team RWBY and JNPR along with CFVY and CRDL were all in the auditorium along with soldiers.

Coco: Surprised to see you here after your defeat against Cold Blood.

Cardin: Shut up

Cardin grumbled

Ruby: So why do you think we are all here again?

Yang: Maybe another White Fang assault.

Blake: No, they have teams from other academies here such as SSSN and NDGO.

Jaune: So what you're saying is this is something even bigger.

Blake: Probably

???: Hey Ruby over here.

Ruby turned around and what she saw put a smile on her face. It was her mother Summer Rose along with the rest of Team STRQ. Ruby pulled her mother into a tight hug.

Ruby: It's so good to see you. What are you guys doing here?

Tai: Ozpin called us in, said he needed us for a mission.

Yang: Wait so now we got soldiers, students, as well as professional teams.

Velvet: Not to mention there's a larger amount of soldiers than last time.

Everyone tries to think about what is going on. Ironwood walked up to the speaker.

Ironwood: Good afternoon everyone. You're probably wondering why I brought you all here. Some of you are thinking it's probably another raid on the White Fang. Truth be told it is something more serious than that. This is a mission in which there is a likely chance of death. Anyone who isn't up for the task leave. " He paused for a moment and then continued on" Good,  now I shall address what we are doing. Atlas, along side the forces of Beacon, have pulled together our forces to unsure victory for us. To take out a villain dreaded across the four kingdoms. Ladies and gentlemen, it is time we take out the One Eyed Owl!

( Timeskip )

All throughout Beacon there was conversation of the upcoming operation. Those who chose to participate had a fill out a note regarding any final words if they were to die. This made those who were going extremely nervous. Most people wrote out their note, others couldn't think straight. Neptune just sat in his room writing I don't want to die over and over again. Meanwhile Ozpin sat in his office trying to think of something to write but couldn't. Elsewhere Ironwood was in a conference room trying to locate the Owl.

I Am The One Eyed Owl (RWBY X Abused OC)Where stories live. Discover now