Chapter 37 Yin vs Salem

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Ruby ran as she carried an unconscious Sapphire in her arms. Finally, she made it back to the room where everyone else was. They had just finished off another wave of ghouls. Everyone turned their attention to her.

Yang: Hey Ruby, you guys already beat Salem?

They all then noticed Sapphire in her arms.

Yang: Who's the chick?

Aaron+Jade+Roman: SAPPHIRE!

They all rushed over to Ruby.

Aaron: Where did you find her!

Jade: I cant believe she's still alive!

Weiss, Blake, and Yang were all confused.

Weiss: Ummmm, who's this?

Aaron: This is Sapphire.

Yang: Who is Sapphire exactly?

Jade: She's Yin's wife and Neo's mother.

Their eyes widened.

Blake: I thought she died.

Roman: We did too but apparently she's alive!

Jade: What happened?

Ruby: She suddenly appeared in front of me and Yin, however her skin was pale and her hair was white. Also her eyes glowed red and she was very aggressive. She attacked us, I tried to fight back but Yin wouldn't let me hurt her. Eventually I used my silver eyes and this grimm like bug crawled out of her neck. Now here we are.

Yang: What about Yin?

Ruby: He told me to get Sapphire out of here.

Weiss: We cant just leave him to fight Salem on his own.

Aaron: We have to get Sapphire medical attention.

Weiss: Did you not hear what I said?

Aaron: This woman is the most important thing to Yin. He thought she was dead for nearly 3 years. Now she suddenly turns up but looks like a grimm. Now she's back to normal and something's wrong with her. WE'RE GETTING HER OUT OF HERE!

Weiss let out a sigh

Weiss: Fine let's go.

Everyone then headed towards the front of the school.

(scene change)

Yin continued his way down the hall. Getting closer and closer to Salem.

Yin(thought): I'm also there, I can smell her.

Finally Yin arrived at his destination. It was a large room, most of the walls and floor were covered in the black material. In the middle of the room sat Salem on a throne. Yin and Salem stared at each other.

Salem: We finally meet in person Yin.

Yin: It's nice, I've been waiting nearly 3 years for this.

Salem: I know you have.

Salem then leaned on one arm.

Salem: You know it doesn't have to be like this. You could join my side. Think about it. We could rule all of Remnant together. Plus I'll spare your friends and family.

Yin began to giggle which then broke out into a laugh.

Yin: You think I would join the lady who made me think my wife was dead only for her to be turned into some puppet! I'd rather kick your ass!

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