Chapter 11 Safe Haven

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A/N: The picture at the top is what you look like now

Yin POV(2 year timeskip)

I cant believe that it has been 2 years since we left Vale. A lot of shit has happened since then. Aaron and Jade had to go into hiding for a few months but they are back now. We decided to move Haven all the way in Mistral. When we got there we opened up a new coffee shop called, Great Arc Café in honor of Jaune. Now everyone knows that I'm the One Eyed Owl. I had to change my appearance so I died my hair white and grew it out. Tock and Roman are still with us. Roman now goes out at night and gathers information for me. People had started calling Naga since he wears a snake mask.(imagine Nishiki's mask) He also wields a giant robotic whip that looks like it's made of bone(imagine the Fueguchi). Neo is now three years old, and she is just adorable! She acts so cute and just loves to play. We moved Sapphire's grave to Haven as well. Business at the café is also doing fine. I wished I could have attended Jaune's funeral but couldn't risk it. Ironwood and Neptune somehow disappeared while his teammate Sage is dead. Ever since that night I haven't been able to transform back into that monster, thank god. I'm also the most wanted criminal in all of Remnant now. Everyone is looking for me, but I know how to hide. After a year they called off the searches, My family however, hasn't stop, especially Quill. I decided to call off my search for this Salem lady since the search is what led me to the destruction of Anteiku. In recent news, there's an underground ring of trafficking here in Haven. But that's for later on in the story. In the present right now, I was sitting on the couch watching tv while Neo was playing with her toys. The news comes on and I see Vale in flames and destroyed with footage of people getting attacked by grim. My eyes were widened by seeing this. I look down at Neo to see her tearing up and scared.

Neo: Daddy, what's going?

I pick her up and comfort her.

Yin: Don't worry Neo, this is happening very far from us. Now lets get you ready for bed.

I carry Neo where I help her brush her teeth and change clothes. I tuck her into bed and kiss her head.

Neo: Goodnight Daddy!

Yin: Good night honey

I turn off the lights and close her door. I go back out into the living room to see Tock, Jade, and Aaron.

Yin: Hey where's Roman?

Tock: Out on patrol.

Jade: I cant believe that Vale is destroyed.

Aaron: You think that if they could withstand an attack from us, they could withstand anything.

Tock: This is different, they were ready for us. This however they weren't prepared for.

Jade: With Beacon gone a lot of students will be changing schools.

Aaron: Which means more huntsman and huntresses here.

Tock: Which means more trouble for us.

Yin: Especially with this trafficking ring going on. They might find us out.

Jade: What are we going to do?

Yin: Us nothing, we keep our profile low. The last time we acted we were discovered.

Tock: I saw we do at least something about the trafficking. If not attention could lead to us.

Yin: Fine but do your best to keep hidden. We don't want to raise any suspicion. 

Aaron: So what's the plan.

???: So far I can tell that most of the disappearances are females.

Everyone turned there heads to see Roman in a red cloak.

Yin: About time you got back, so what did you find?

Roman: Like I said, it's mostly women who are being taken. I interrogated a guy and got a list of names of people are involved. One is a lady who calls herself the Nutcracker.

Aaron: The Nutcracker

Roman: Apparently she's also a murder and got her name since her victims are men. She's a dominatrix who will crush the testicles of men.

Yin: Who else you got?

Roman: Some lady who calls herself Big Madam. She's big in this area of trafficking. Turns out she runs an underground fight club and is always looking for her next fighter. We also have someone from Atlas here, Wyatt Schnee, brother of Willow Schnee. He'll buy and faunas and turn them into is own servants.

Jade: Absolutely disgusting. 

Yin: Alright fine, we'll do this job but then we go straight back to normal life. Is that clear?

Everyone: Yes sir!

Tock: Finally we get to fight again. This life was starting to bored me.

Yin: Aaron and Roman, go find out where the next auction will be held. Tock and Jade, once we find out you will search the building of all corridors and rooms. Everyone got that?

Aaron: What about you?

Yin: I'll be joining you on the front line.

Jade: Are you sure, ever since that nigth you can't even manifest a single blade.

Yin: Yes, this could be just the thing I need to activate them again.

Roman: If you say so

Everyone left the room, leaving just me and my thoughts

Yin(thought): Should I be taking this risk? What if I turn into that monster again, or if I cant activate my semblance at all? I might have screwed up.


Team RNPR(Ranger/Ruby, Nora, Pyrrha, Ren) and Quill have just arrived at headmaster Lionheart's office to announce their arrival. Lionheart had filled them in about the search for the spring maiden. Before they could leave Lionheart spoke up.

Lionheart: There's one last thing Quill.

Quill: What

Lionheart: Would could use you and the students for an upcoming attack we're planning.

Quill: What's the plan?

Lionheart: As you know, there has been a recent rise in kidnapping in Haven. We have discovered that there is a series of underground actions. We believe to found the next location of the auctions and it would really help if you could assist. In exchange we could provide you with anything you need.

Quill: What do you say kids, you feel like going on a mission?


Lionheart: Good, I'll have someone inform you of our plan. Good thing you're helping us, a lot of huntsman in Haven have disappeared lately.

The five travelers left the room, leaving Lionheart. Lionheart pulled on a book and a secret passage was opened. Lionheart entered the room which lead him to a floating orb with grim like tentacles. Lionheart kneeled on the ground and spoke to the orb.

Lionheart: Lady Salem, Quill and the children have arrived. They have agreed to go on the job for us.

Salem: Good, this will be a nice opportunity to test out my new experiment.

From the corner of the room a figure emerged. The figure was wearing a black cloak with a black and white hood. He was also wearing a black and white striped mask.

???:Head will go flying.

The figure let out a sinister laugh

There we go,  Chapter 11 is now done. I hoped you all enjoyed it. I own none of the pictures. See ya next time!

Next Chapter: Opening Night

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