Chapter 22 Ozpin

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Blood came spewing out of Ozpin's neck, staining the white roses. He fell to the ground and Yin ran over to him. When he got to Ozpin Yin untransformed and kneeled down. 

Yin: HOLY SHIT, ARE YOU INSANE! You didn't have to kill yourself. Why did you even do this?

Ozpin: Yin you know I've been reincarnated over and over again, right?

Yin: Yes.

Ozpin: The soul reason I've been reincarnated is to take down Salem. But in each of my lives I've learned only that she is unbeatable. With each new life I would try something different only to fail.

Yin: What does that have to do with killing yourself?

Ozpin: I've made many mistakes, mistakes that I believed that would help take down Salem. But in the end I always fail. I try and try again, but get nowhere. The bets thing I've done was help Team RWBY recover the relic.

He spat up blood

Ozpin: With each passing year, Salem grows more and more powerful, and I get more desperate. The main reason I attacked you was I believed if you lost control, you would only assist Salem in destroying our world.

Yin: Ok, that's a little reasonable.

Ozpin: Even after all of these years, all of these things Salem has done, I cant hurt her. A part of me still loves her.

Yin: I know what you're talking about, love is like nothing else.

Ozpin: Yin, you must stop Salem.

Yin: Wait what, you expect me to stop some lady that's been alive for hundreds of years.

Ozpin: There are three people who can stop Salem; Summer, Ruby, and you.

Yin: I understand Ruby and Summer but me, how?

Ozpin: You'll see when the time comes.

Ozpin coughs up more blood

Ozpin: This is my last reincarnation, after this I finally will die. If Salem wins in Atlas, all hope is lost. Can I trust you with the fate of Remnant?

Yin: I'll do it, for my family.

Ozpin: Thank you.

Ozpin closes his eyes and exhales. After that he doesn't move anymore. The story of Ozma has come to an end.


I just starred at Ozpin's body.

Me: You've done more than anyone has ever done. May you finally rest in the after life.

I look over and see the Owl blade. I decide to go take the blade, so I do. I leave the flower fields and head back to the forest. Soon I make it back to the cliffs. Not to much longer a bullhead arrives. Everyone is inside. The moment I step in, Neo tackles me. She was crying

Neo: You said you would never do that again. You said that you would never leave me.

I hug her back.

Me: And I wont, as long as you're around I'll keep fighting. 

Oscar: Hey what happened to Ozpin?

Me: He's dead.

Everyone's eyes widened

Weiss: You killed him.

Me: No he killed himself.

Yang: What do you mean he killed himself.

Me: I'll explain on the way to the Atlas.

Maria: Speaking of which, we waisted to much time already. They'll be on our asses if we don't leave right now.

The bullhead blasts off towards Atlas. I stare back at the fading landmass. What Ozpin said still was lingering in my mind.

Me(thought); Let's hope you're right Ozpin. What great power is it that I have that can take down the Queen of Grimm.


Meanwhile in the land of grimm, Salem was staring down in a black pool. The black pool was bubbling, a faint red glow could be seen underneath. Just then Tyrian approached her.

Salem: What is it Tyrian?

Tyrian: My queen, I come baring great news. Ozpin is no more. He was killed by the One Eyed Owl.

Salem smiles at hearing this.

Salem: Good, now that he's gone we can continue with our plan. Contact the White Fang, tell them it's time.

Tyrian: At once my queen.

Tyrian leaves as Salem goes back to staring at the black pool. Then a black tendril bursted from the substance.

Also one part of the black liquid opened to reveal a red eye

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Also one part of the black liquid opened to reveal a red eye. Salem began to laugh manically.

Salem: Soon my dragon will be ready.

There we go Chapter 22 is now complete. I hoped you all enjoyed it. Sorry that it's short. So you next time!

Next Chapter: Rushima Part 1

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