Chapter 32 Ghouls

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People all across Atlas were running for their lives to escape this monster. All around the city buildings were being destroyed as if it were nothing. The soldiers did their best but their weapons proved to be ineffective. 


Soldier2: It's no use sir, our weapons aren't working!

The two soldiers then got smashed by a giant tendril. Things only got worse from here.

(scene change)

A bullhead flew across the sky. This bullhead contained all of our heroes. They were heading towards the main Atlas base. As they zipped through the sky, everyone looked at the ground below. Seeing various explosions.

Weiss: I cant believe this happening.

Ren: It's unreal.

Blake: It makes the fall of Vale look like nothing.

Neptune: And it will only get worse if we don't stop Salem.

Soon the bullhead arrived in the main hangar. Once they landed every soldier in their pointed their weapons at them.

Winter: This is Winter Schnee, come out now with your hands up!

Everyone exited the bullhead. The soldiers were surprised to see four of Remnants most wanted criminals(one of which was knocked out), 9 teenagers(one of who was also knocked out),  Quill, Neptune, a little girl, and an old lady.

Winter: Weiss?

Weiss: Hey Winter.

Winter: Care to explain what you are doing here with them?

She gestured towards Roman, Jade, Aaron, and Neptune.

Quill: Winter listen to me! Neptune knows how to win this fight, we just need your help and we can do it!

Winter: You think I would stoop so low to work with a pack of criminals!

Maria: This is why I don't like Atlas, nothing but arrogant jerks who only think about their pride.

Weiss: Winter, you think you can take that thing on all by yourself!

Winter: We'll find a way-

All of the monitors in the hangar suddenly went fuzzy. Then it showed Watts with a bunch of people behind him, some of which were faunas. 

Watts: Attention people of Atlas, my name is Arthur Watts

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Watts: Attention people of Atlas, my name is Arthur Watts. I was banned from Atlas due to my questionable experiments. But now I have returned to inform you all. A new era is upon us, the era of grimm. And it will start with the fall of Atlas, with my creations.

The people behind him took of their mask. Their eyes transformed to red pupils and black sclera. Everyone gasped in shock.

Watts: I present you the newest grimm, the ghoul. Inspired by the One Eyed Owl himself. They poses all of the abilities as him with an extra terrifying feature. They only eat human flesh.

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