Chapter 14 Falling Action

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A/N: Sorry I haven't updated this story in a while. But I'm back. Also go vote for my new story on my account.


Reese sat on the ground, terror filled her body. She had just witnessed her team get killed so easily. Bolin got his head smashed repeatedly into a wall until he fell limp. Nadir had an arm go right through his chest. Reese was to terrified to even move as the figure just approached her. The figure just kept on laughing.

???: You Haven guys are so pathetic. Just look at me, I use to go their but then I joined Salem and now I'm powerful.

The figure took off his hood to reveal Neptune. But his hair was white, his skin pale, his lips black, and his eyes wide open. You good smell his insanity.

Neptune: Now look at me, I'm stronger than any of you rejects

Reese: Neptune, is that you?

Neptune: What do you want?

Reese: It's me Reese, don't you remember? We were in school toge-

Before she could finish talking Neptune ripped her head off.

Neptune: That's enough of that.

More Haven students came running down the hall. Neptune just smirked.

Meanwhile back with Quill and CRL. Russel went to stab Emerald, believing he caught her off guard. However when he got closed a tendril went right through his chest and threw him across the room. Emerald laughed while Cardin and Sky tensed up seeing they had lost half off their team. On the rafters Quill charged with her sword at the masked figure, secretly Tyrian. Tyrian had his wrist blades with him. They both leaped from rafter to rafter, swinging their weapons at each other. Tyrian fired off his bullets while Quill fired hers. They were both equal in amounts of speed. They both charged at each other and met head on. Sparks flew due to the collision of their weapons. They leaped back on opposite sides. Tyrian heard a beep coming from a wrist watch he was wearing.

Tyrian: I'm afraid we must call this little duel a draw. Come minty, it is time for us to leave now.

Emerald growled at that nickname. She then leaped onto the rafters next to Tyrian. 

Quill: You really think you can just run away. 

Quill leaped to strike them. However Tyrian dropped a smoke bomb. When Quill went into the smoke cloud, she hit nothing. When the smoke cleared, there was nothing. Leaving Quill confused.

Quill: Who were those two.

Now back with NPR and Scarlet. Pyrrha and Nora ran at Nutcracker. Nora went to swing at her but Nutcracker blocked with her tail and kicked Nora in the cut. She then hit Nora with her tail sending her back. Pyrrha then attacked Nutcracker with her spear. She swung around hitting Nutcracker who was blocking with her two swords. Nutcracker did her best to defend but Pyrrha managed to get Nutcracker to drop one of her swords. Nutcracker went to strike with her tail but Pyrrha blocked with her shield. Nutcracker swung her sword but Pyrrha stopped it with her sword. They were at a standoff until Pyrrha converted her sword into a rifle and fired a round right into Nutcracker's face(these are not aura piercing rounds). Nutcracker stumbled back and dropped her other sword.  Pyrrha smacked Nutcracker in the face with her shield and then slashed across her diagonally with her sword. Nutcracker fell to the ground, breathing hard. Pyrrha approached her, ready to finish this. However when she got close enough a spike came out of the ground at sliced the side of Pyrrha's leg.

Nutcracker: Don't count me just out yet darling.

Nutcracker got up and kicked Pyrrha in the stomach, chest, and face. Pyrrha fell to the ground. Nutcracker picked up her swords and went over to Pyrrha's body. She raised her swords in the air. Next thing they know, Nutcracker blocked a bullet with her tail. She turned around and saw Scarlet there with his pistol. He fired more rounds off, which Nutcracker easily blocked with her tail. However, she didn't see the hammer that hit her right in the gut, sending her flying back. She quickly got back up and saw Nora standing there.

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