Chapter 20 Argus Assault

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Griffon were flying over the forest, heading to Argus. All of a sudden shards shoot out of the trees and impale the grimm. A figure leaps into the sky. This figure was the One Eyed Owl. The Owl jumps from griffon to griffon, slashing them as he goes. The Owl then jumps back to the ground. He sees a tower in the distance and goes to investigate it. Once he arrives the guards spot him.


The Owl charges forwards and impales the guard in the chest. He then slashes two more guards across their chest. Above four guards start to shoot him. However the Owl fires his shards, killing all of them. The Owl leaps higher up the tower. A guard sees him and runs away. The Owl is quicker and grabs the man and crushes his head. The Owl turns his head towards the ocean and sees the Leviathan along with other grimm. The Owl leaps down from the tower and starts to walk towards the ocean but suddenly stops.

Yin POV (mindscape) 

I kept running to avoid the large shards Owl was firing at me.

Owl: Stop running!

He charges at me and tries to grab me but I leap over his arms. Once I get close to his face I fire shards, which hit him right in the face. He screams in pain as I land behind him. However I didn't see his foot rear back and kick me, which sent me flying. When I got up I saw a blade pierce me right in the stomach. Owl lifts me into the air and puts me near his face.

Owl: Nothing will stop me from rampaging again.


In the real world the Owl grew larger. More spikes came out of his back as his mask split open to reveal a jaw.

 More spikes came out of his back as his mask split open to reveal a jaw

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(scene change)

a/n: I'm skipping to the part to after they defeated the Leviathan. I still need to finish Volume 6. 

After everyone defeated the Leviathan they met back on the beach to regroup with everyone.

Tock: Damn, I miss the thrill of near death experiences.

Roman: I gotta admit Red, you've come a long way.

He then pets Ruby which makes her push him back.

Quill: All we need now is Yin to get here and we can leave.

Aaron: I'll go look for him.

Aaron goes to look for him. However a bolt of lightning suddenly hits him, knocking him out.

???: Sorry, but I cant let that happen.

Everyone turns their heads to see a figure wearing all black. The same one that attacked Yin in Haven. Every one readies their weapons. Neo grips tightly onto Quill.

Ruby: Who are you?

???: Someone who will stop you from getting to Atlas.

Nora swung her hammer at the figure. He easily dodged each swing. He then kicks Nora several times in the chest. He punches her three times in the face. He grabs her by the leg and throws her into a rock. Ren, Weiss, and Yang charge. Weiss uses glyphs to enhance her speed while Yang and Ren attack head on. Despite the three of them attacking continuously, the figure manages to dodge each of their attacks.

I Am The One Eyed Owl (RWBY X Abused OC)Where stories live. Discover now