Chapter 28 White Fang Wipeout

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Adam POV

I watched as my army destroyed the blockade. Once we did the ships dispersed to wreck havoc all across Atlas. 

Me: Neptune this is your stop.

He looked at me and grinned.

Neptune: Playtime!

He jumped out of the bullhead and summoned his wings. Once he reached the ground he opened fire of the people. Soon the bullhead landed on a building and everyone got out. Everyone went in one direction while I went in another. 

Soldier: Sir where are you going?

I turned around and grinned at him

Me: Seeing an old friend.

He turned back around and eyed a certain construction zone.

Me: I cant wait to see their faces when they realize I'm alive.


Once the White Fang got past the blockade it was hell. Faunas came raining down from the sky and were killing citizens. The police did their best to fight back but were caught off guard. Another contributor to this was the prison riot. The military was busy trying to maintain it that they didn't detect the White Fang coming. 

On the streets below, Neptune was massacring the police force with his abilities. Meanwhile Tyrian, who was also present, slaughtered anybody he came across. Currently Adam walked down an empty street. All of a sudden multiple soldiers came out of the alley, guns pointed at him.

Soldier: Stop right there scum!

Adam only grinned as he unleashed his tendril. Quickly, the soldiers were kill and Adam continued down the path.

Quill POV

I watched from the building as fires erupted from buildings. I could hear explosions, screams, and gunshots in the distance. I heard someone approach me and turned around and saw Maria.

Maria: Place is going to hell.

Me: You got that right.

Maria: What are you going to do about it?

Me: Fight back.

I turned around and walked back down to where everyone was. They were all listening to the radio as it talked about the attack. When I got closer everyone turned to face me.

Me: Listen up, Atlas is under attack and people are dying. The military isn't doing a damn thing so I say we do.

Nora got up and lifted her hammer.

Nora: Let's do this!

Me: Sorry but you have to stay here. The only people who can come are Jade, Aaron, Tock, and Roman.

Yang: You expect us to sit around and do nothing.

Me: You need to save your energy for the real fight.

Everyone looked confused.

Ruby: What real fight?

Me: This isn't the attack that will wipeout Atlas. The real one will be lead by Salem, not by the White Fang. When it does happen, you all need to be ready.

It looked like everyone agreed to this.

Me: Alright; Aaron, Jade, Roman, Tock, lets go.

The four of them got up and headed towards the battle field.


The battled raged on in the city. The police were pinned down behind some cars as the White Fang unleashed a relentless attack. 

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