Chapter 9 Till I Fall

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Team STRQ, Ironwood, and Winter had looks of terror on their faces at the demon standing before them.

Raven: What the hell is that!?

Winter: Impossible, no one could have that much energy left after all that damage.

Ironwood: What the hell are you Owl!?

The Owl just stood there with a creepy smile. It ran at everyone. Winter and Raven charged only to get smacked right into a wall, knocking them out. Ironwood and Tai shot their guns , so the Owl fired his shards, knocking the two of them down. Summer and Quill charged at the Owl, only to get knocked away like everyone else. When Quill got up she saw the bodies of her defeated comrades. She got up and ran at the Owl, but he effortlessly knocked her away again. She got back up and tied to strike again but was met with the same results. She was on her knees, to tired to get back up. The Owl ran at her, ready to strike down, she closed her eyes ready for the blow. But she felt nothing. She looked back up to see Ironwood with the blade lodged into his back.

Ironwood: D-damn Q-quill, w-what h-happened to that playful attitude of yours?

Ironwood fell down to the ground. Quill began to scream. The Owl smiled at her reaction.

Meanwhile, throughout the city the soldiers were horrified to see the monster  the Owl has become. All of a sudden buildings started to explode. From the explosions White Fang soldiers came raining down. The soldiers tried to shoot them down but were over run by White Fang. All throughout the city there was chaos. Fighting was going at every street corner. Glynda along with Team SSSN and other soldiers were fighting White Fang. Sun, Scarlet, and Sage had no problem knocking down fighters. Whenever someone got close to Glynda they would just get knocked away. Neptune on the other hand, was getting overpowered by a faunas with a sword. Glynda had to assist him.

Glynda: Stay focused Neptune!

Neptune: Right

Neptune then went back to shooting White Fang. In an alley, Aaron and Jade were holding each other up trying to get out of the city. On the outskirts of Vale, people watched their city get destroyed. Meanwhile on top of building stood two men. Both had tanned skin, one had black hair and a mustache, his name was Watts. The other man was muscular, had brown hair, and a green coat. His name was Hazel.

Hazel: Is it time Watts?

Watts: Yes, lets go round them up.

The two men leaped down from the building. A King Taijitu followed close behind. Back with Glynda and Team SSSN, Glynda got report that another group needed assistance. 

Glynda: We have to move, there are others that need help.

Sun: But we cant let them get passed us.

Neptune: Go me and Sage will stay behind.

Sun: Are you sure you can handle it.

Sage: We'll be fine, now get out of here.

Glynda, Sun, Scarlet, and a few soldiers left to go help the other groups. Leaving Neptune, Sage, and a few soldiers to fight. Back with Quill, she just stared at the laughing Owl.

Owl: Ha, ha, ha, is this really the power of the legendary Team STRQ? I was hoping more from you Quill. No wonder your son was so easy to kill.

Quill's eyes widened .

Quill: What did you say?

Owl: You heard me, I killed Yin Branwen. He was pathetic and weak. I found him in the woods, ready for death. So I granted it to him, one that was slow and painful. I shattered his bones, snapped his fingers off, smiled as I heard him to finish him off. I let him bleed to death. AND THEN I ATE HIM!

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