Chapter 35 Belly of the Beast

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Everyone ran through the halls of the school. It seemed endless.

Roman: Do we even know where were going?

Yin: Don't worry, I'll were going the right way.

Roman: How do you know?

Yin: I can smell Salem, her scent is leading me this way.

The group continued to follow Yin until they came across a large area.

The group continued to follow Yin until they came across a large area

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Yang: Where are we?

Aaron: My guess is we are finally inside the dragon itself.

Yin: Over there.

Yin pointed in a certain and everybody turned to look. He was pointing to a hole on the other side.

Yin: Salem's in there somewhere.

Jade: Then lets take her down!

Everybody jumped down onto the ground and ran towards the opening. However they didn't know it was an ambush. From above ghouls came raining down and surrounded them.


Everybody got on the ground except for Yin. HE manifested his spikes and fired hundreds of shards, killing some of the ghouls. 


Roman unleashed his weapon and used it to rip apart the ghouls, blood went everywhere. Jade charged at a group of ghouls and they charged at her. She fired daggers at them which landed and dealt the finishing blow by slashing at them. Aaron enlarged his tail and swung at the ghouls. It didn't kill them but it knocked them back. 

Yang ran at a ghoul. She punched it in the gut and then in the chest, sending him flying. Then a ghoul with tendrils and another ghoul with a tail ran forward. Yang fired bullets but the ghouls used their extra appendages to block. Suddenly Ruby appeared in front of Yang and swung her scythe, cutting the two ghouls in half.

Yang: Thanks Ruby.

Ruby: Don't mention it.

Blake was fighting a ghoul with three purple tendrils. She tried to cut the ghoul but the ghoul would always block. Blake charged again, but the ghoul knocked her back with it's tendrils.

Ghoul: You humans think you can kill our Queen?

Blake: If their is one thing we do best, it's thrive!

The ghoul strike with his tendrils. Blake ducked and cut off one of the tendrils. The ghoul reared back and strike again. This time it's tendrils smashed into the ground, which Blake used to her advantage. She ran forward and stabbed the ghoul in the chest. She ripped out her sword and than cut the ghoul's throat.

Weiss was fighting a ghoul with wings. The ghoul would fire shards and Weiss would jump out of the way. The ghoul fired shards again and Weiss retaliated by firing icicles. The shards and ice collided and Weiss then created a glyph to launch herself forwards. Before the ghoul realized it, Weiss was in front of it. She stabbed the ghoul and then repeatedly cut it. The ghoul fell to the ground dead.

Then two more ghouls; one with a blade and another with a tail charged. Weiss summoned her knight and used it to block the two ghouls. She then slashed the ghouls across their torso's. Then the knight swung his sword, dealing the final blow.

Yin was having it easier with the ghouls. He stabbed them all with his large shoulder blades and firing his shards. Soon all of the ghouls were dead.

Roman: To be honest I thought this would be harder.

Jade: I've had worst injuries than these ghouls and I'm still alive.

Just then more ghouls appeared.

Weiss: Yin, Ruby, you two should go on.

Ruby: I'm not leaving you!

Blake: You guys are our best shot at defeating Salem! 

Yin: What about the ghouls?

Roman: We got it!

Yin: Fine, you better be alive after this!

Yin and Ruby ran off, leaving everyone to deal with the ghouls.

Yang: Let's get them!

A few ghouls with wings fired shards, so Roman used his weapon to shield everyone. Jade fired her daggers, Weiss fired ice, and Blake fired her gun. Soon the ghouls began to fall. Yang and Aaron jumped on top of Roman's weapon and he launched them. Yang punched two ghouls into the ground while Aaron swung his tail, defeating the rest of them. Everyone else charged.

Weiss used glyphs to enhance hers and Blake's speed. Then ran at a group of ghouls. Blake slashed their left sides and Weiss slashed at their right. They turned around and then Cut the ghouls once more, killing them.


Roman and Aaron looked at Jade in shock.


Me and Ruby continued running down the corridor. 

Ruby: How much farther do we got to go?

Me: A little bit longer, her scent is ahead.

Ruby: What do we do once we reach her?

Me: I'll distract her with my combat skills and you'll use your silver eyes to deal the finishing blow.

Me and Ruby continued to run the corridor until one side of the wall exploded. We got into fighting stances. When the dust cleared I saw someone standing there. Someone who I never thought I would see again...




























There we go Chapter 35 is now complete. I hoped you all enjoyed it. See ya next time!

Next Chapter: Return of the Fallen

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