Chapter 15 Encore

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Neptune charged at Yin ready to strike but when he got close enough Yin hit him with the side of his blade, sending him flying back. Neptune quickly got up and jumped into the air. Yin simply fired off a barrage of shards which all hit Neptune. Yin then jumped into the air and hit Neptune with his blade again. Neptune quickly got up and summoned his wings and fired daggers. Yin began running to dodge the daggers. He then leaped into the air and ready his blade to strike Neptune. Neptune dodged the blade before it could touch him, leaving a crater. Neptune readied his own blade to attack but Yin got his blade out of the ground and blocked. The two were just staring at each other until Yin broke through Neptune's defense and slashed him across the chest. He then kicked Neptune in the stomach sending him flying into a pile of rubble. Yin walked over to the rubble but then Neptune burst out of the pile. Yin fired shards but Neptune had grown much faster now. Before Yin could even realize, Neptune was right next to him stabbing him in the side. Yin noticed that half of Neptune's face was covered by a bird mask. Neptune spun around and cut Yin's back and then punched him square in the face. Yin flew back but was quick to regain his ground. The two let out a battle cry and charged at each other. The two became a blur, leaping from seat to seat to fight. Neptune fired daggers while Yin fired shards, both met head on. When they would get close enough to each other they would swing only to block each other. Sparks were flying everywhere due to the multiple collisions. The area around them was being reduced to trash. Both were flying through the air until Neptune landed a hit. He headbutted Yin and then kicked him into the ground. Neptune dived for Yin ready to deal the final blow. However before he could get to the ground, Yin quickly shot up and sliced Neptune's shoulder. Neptune jumped back and landed on a wall. They both were starring at each other with hate. Finally Yin charged as Neptune leaped from the wall, both ready to kill. Them they finally met in the middle. Both of their blades had pierced each other's chest.

Meanwhile with NPR and Nutcracker. Ren charged at Nutcracker, who spun around just before he could reach her. She blocked Ren's daggers with her swords.

Nutcracker: I defeated your little friends here, what makes you think you can stop me?

Ren: Never under estimate the abilities of anyone.

Ren pulled the triggers on his gun and shot Nutcracker in the shoulders. She screamed out in pain as Ren slashed her, leaving an X mark wound on her chest.

Nutcracker: You little shit!

Both Nutcracker and Ren were equal in speed. They were both running while swinging their weapons at each other. Ren would fire his guns only for Nutcracker to block them with her tail. Ren charged at Nutcracker but got block. Unfortunately for him Nutcracker reared her tail around and cut Ren in the side. Ren got distracted by the pain and dropped his guard. Nutcracker took this opportunity and slashed at him a couple of times. Finally she kneed him hard in his nuts, depleting his aura. 

Ren(thought): Dammit I got distracted!

Nutcracker grabbed Ren by the neck and lifted him in the air. Ren struggled in her grip.

Nutcracker: You and your friends gave me quite the entertainment, you even managed to drop my aura. But now, the show is...

Nutcracker never finished her sentence due to the hammer that hit her hard in the gut. It was revealed that Nora was back up and angry. Nora presses the trigger on her hammer and launched Nutcracker upwards. Nutcracker smacked against the ceiling, and when she did a spike came out and sliced her in her sides. She fell back to the ground, unconscious. 

Nora: You keep your hands off my man!

Meanwhile in the basement, RWY was winning against Big Madam. Big Madam was crawling along a wall, furious at how she was losing to teenagers. Ruby and Yang fired their weapons, causing Big Madam to crawl. All around her there was mini explosions from the weapons. Weiss created a boarbatusk and sent it flying at Big Madam. Big Madam jumped off the wall and landed on the ground. There Ruby charged and swung her scythe, which Big Madam blocked. However she didn't see Weiss rush forward with her blade covered in fire. Weiss hit Big Madam in the face with the fire causing her to scream in pain. Next Yang came rushing in and punched Big Madam hard in the cut, sending her back and depleting her aura. Big Madam got angry and sent her tail forward, only for Ruby to stab it with her scythe. Finally, Ruby pulled the trigger and cut off half of Big Madam's tail. By now Big Madam was really pissed off.

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