Chapter 8 Owl vs Vale

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The Owl slowly approached the soldiers, the ground crunching beneath his feet.

Soldier: What are we waiting for, lets-

The soldier never got to finish his sentence since the Owl sliced him. He then unleashed a rain of shards killing any nearby soldiers. Other soldiers charged, firing their guns only to be blasted down by shards.

Soldier2: It's impossible, no matter what we do this guy wont go down.

The Owl was about to stab the soldier until two figures cut his blades, which healed. These two figures were Quill and Raven Branwen.

Quill: It's a shame.... Ozpin would've loved to try your coffee. I heard it was quite a treat.

The two women charged at the Owl doing multiple flips and twirls to try and damage him. However the Owl just had to turn his shoulders to block their attacks. Eventually Quill and Raven got knocked backed. Quill fired her gun at the Owl which he simple blocked. Raven charged and went to cut his shoulder but he just merely blocked the attack and punched Raven into a wall.

Quill: Raven are you alright?

The Owl turned to face Quill and got ready to strike her. That was until an orange spike landed in the back of the Owl. The spike then created a big explosion, breaking off one of the Owl's blades. When the smoke cleared it was revealed that Tai was the one who caused it, and he a giant new gauntlet with him.

Quill: New toy, Tai?

Tai: Ironwood made it just for this occasion.

They turned their heads to see the Owl regenerating his blade.

Quill: They weren't kidding when they side this guy could regenerate. Not to mention has some powerful fire power to. He is without a doubt, the greatest foe we have ever faced.

Quill and Raven charged again , only to meet the same results as last time, a stalemate. Ice shards were fired at the Owl which cut them. A figure came running at the Owl at high speeds and managed to cut the Owl a few times. This was Winter Schnee.

Quill: Decided to show up ice queen

Winter: Not the time Quill

The three women all attacked the Owl. Winter used fire dust to cut the Owl a few more times. Tai was standing on a balcony and shot a few rounds at the Owl's back. They exploded on impact. However when the dust cleared, it looked like little damage was done. The spikes on the Owl's back grew larger.

Raven: Everyone take cover!

The Owl unleashed a flurry of shards. All four used there weapons to block the attack.

Winter: We're going to need more men if we want to take this guy down.

Then from above Summer jumped from a roof atop and slashed the Owl's shoulder. She went to cut his other shoulder, but the Owl blocked with his blade. Summer jumped back and landed at a distance.

Summer: How do you do, Owl?

Summer charged at the Owl and did a series of flips and swung her scythe. The Owl managed to dodge all the attacks. Sparks were flying everywhere from the collision. The Owl knocked Summer away, landing right next to Quill.

Quill: Hey Summer.

Summer looked up, Quill turned her sword into a scythe.

Quill: Lets get him

Summer had a smile on her face. The two scythe wielders ran at the Owl,  doing flips and swung their weapons. The Owl had trouble blocking both of their attacks as he would get cut on his shoulder or side every now and then. The scythes collided with the Owl's blades, which he then just punched Summer and kicked Quill away. He then leaped towards some higher ground. The rest of the fighters showed up. 

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