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Lilac's POV

I stumble through the damaged door frame that constantly leaves paint chips all over the floor as I push on the door with one hand silencing it with a thud. I sigh dropping my beat up bag on the counter top littered with unopened mail and bills and press the switch illuminating my apartment in a yellow hue. I launch myself face first into my black leather couch. I let out a loud groan as I relish in the darkness that surrounds me. My pity party is interrupted with a sound of my phone vibrating on the counter. I slowly roll myself off the couch and grab my phone off the counter.


"Hello, this is Jack your landlord. I wanted to inform you that you have 3 days left to pay this and last months rent or I'm going to have to kick you out." he says sincerely. 

My breathe hitches as a I freeze. Jack has always been good to me and letting me turn my stuff in late. He knows I'm your typical struggling art student.

"Jack. Please. This month has been hard and I've been saving up. I only need a couple hundred more and I planned on having it next week." I say frantically tears welling in my eyes.

"You said that last week Lil. I care about you but this is my job and I need the money too and I'm not getting any income from you." he says sternly.

"okay." I whisper. 

I click the end button and fall on my floor crying. I knew it was a bad idea moving into this shit hole, but it was the best I could find and it was still 400 a month.

 I sit there for a couple of minutes until I get up and head to my bed room. I pull out my phone and look up places for rent. There's hundreds of places but all of them are so expensive. I filter through the options putting the price $0-$200. 6 results come up but one catches my eye. It's small house but the rent is $150. which is cheap...too cheap.

it's such a nice small house

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it's such a nice small house. How is the price so damn low. I bookmark it and head to bed. I head to my tiny bathroom and turn on the shower. It's not very hot when I get in but that's normal, the water heater sucks. I quickly scrub myself and drag a razor carelessly over my legs. I hope out and change into an over-sized hoodie and jump in my bed. I rub my face and close my eyes. Please let this house be legit.

 Please let this house be legit

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Hello Lovlies! Today was just a chapter to get a feel for the main character and her lifestyle! Lilac is such pretty name ahh. I'm working on getting the next chapter up and it should be up today and Caleb will be seen next chapter as well ;))) so make sure you stay tuned and add this to your library. it would also mean the world if you could click the little star! thankyou ily


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