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Lilac's POV
"Calum?" I gasp my body already leaning to shut the door. My action is cut short when He puts his wet muddy boot in my doorway. He shoves the door open as I stumble back. He takes a step in tracking muddy foot prints as he walks small water droplets following him as he walks over to me.
He grabs my jaw his lips inches from mine.
"I don't think I got to probably say goodbye." He spits lowly into my face. I gulp as sweat beads on my hairline. "What are you doing here?" My voice just above the whisper. He grins as lightning lights up his face casting heavy shadows under his eyes.
"To say goodbye." He whispers his hand trailing down my neck and arm. He wraps his long fingers around my waist as he leans into kiss me as I turn my head. My breathe is rapid when his lips meet my cold cheek. His hands tighten on my waist making me sigh shakily.
"Calum. That hurts." I whisper my voice cracking. "Don't dodge me then." He says walking backwards towards my couch. I let a sob out as I fall backwards onto the couch Calum following me.
He looks into my eyes, "Now this is how it's going to go." He mumbles tracing my jaw. "You're going to shut up and let m-" His eyes widen and drop downward. I follow his eyes when I see a piece of metal protruding his stomach. I look up gagging on a cry as blood starts to spit out of his mouth onto my face. He shakes lightly and falls onto me. He's quickly shoved off of me as I close my eyes tightly wanting to disappear who was in front of me. The person is breathing heavily when I open my eyes I cry even more for a different recent.
"Caleb." I sob jumping up and hug him. He drops the knife and stares forward not making a move to hug me. My heart clenches as i pull away and hold his cheeks. He stares forward with no emotion. His eyes are red and puffy.
"Caleb?" I mumble rubbing his cheeks softly. He seems to snap back out of it and looks at me confused. "Lil?" He asks. I smell his breathe as my nose crinkles.
"Are you drunk?" I ask stepping back. He looks down. "No." He mumbles scratching the back of his head.
"Bullshit." I gasp. "You do that little hair thing when you're lying!"
He looks up at me, "I didn't know where to go. My home is with you." He says sadly.
I smile, "My home is with you Caleb. I didn't know it. And I didn't want to admit it. But I love you. So much....I just want to fix you. Fix this. Fix us." I tell him. He nods his head, "Any ideas?" He asks.
I sigh shaking my head 'no'. "I was looking in that book hopefully to find a clue and nothing has popped out at me." I tell him looking down.
"Your mom said you have everything you need. It's not a potion...or a spell?" Caleb slurs still drunk.
"Let's not worry about this right now. You need to lay down." I say worriedly grabbing his hand bringing him upstairs. I take him into my bathroom, his eyes go wide as he jolts forward.
"Oh hell no." I say sternly. I push Caleb towards the toilet. He lifts the lid emptying his insides into there. I roll my eyes pulling out his toothbrush and put some toothpaste on it. I look over as he rolls to lean against the wall.
"Ya know. You're really really sexy when you're babying me." He says giggling. I huff handing him his tooth brush. "Brush." You mumble as you walk out to find him some close. You find some flannel pants and a black tank top. You walk in the bathroom as he's spitting the toothpaste out. You lay the clothes on the counter.
"I am NOT wearing that." He says holding the pants up with two fingers looking disgusted to even be touching it. "Put the fucking trousers on and meet me in my room." I tell him sternly going into my room. He whines as I close the door. I get under my covers closing my eyes. I hear him come in quietly turning off my lamp and gets under the covers the bed dipping with his weight. I feel his cool arm wrap around my waist as he pulls me near him. I smile lightly as he snuggles into me.
"Thank you Lilac." He whispers kissing my hair. "For giving me a chance."
I act asleep as I snuggle into him more never wanting tonight to end.
a/n: I'm sorry this took too long. I'm working some stuff out and I needed to gather my thoughts.
There's only a couple of chapters left but don't worry. By the end of this book I'll have a new Caleb Finn book up , and I'll still have my imagines book <3 I'm so tired oml
Maddie xoxo

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