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Lilac's POV

As I'm headed to my new home in my black jeep full of boxes and trash bags my mind keeps jumping back to the brown headed boy in the bathtub. Who was he? I've never seen him before. He could've came a forgotten dream? I'm just over thinking it. I was out of my element and I was just seeing stuff I try to convince myself knowing damn well I was lying to myself. I pull up in the small gravel drive way. I turn off my car and just look at the front thinking how everything went from so wrong to so write so fast. No more late payments (hopefully), no more shitty landlords, no more addicted neighbors, and plus. This is house is in a much safer part of town. I look at the newly painted old wood porch and the light green siding of the house with littered leaves growing up parts of the side with a large white window buy the front door. 

I sigh getting out of my car my shoes crunching under the gravel as I walk to the front door with as many boxes as possible, which isn't much,  but still. i want to make as few trips as possible. I grab the key out of my pocket unlocking the door. I grab my boxes struggling as I enter the front of the house. I quickly walk to the stairs to set these large boxes down but once again and met with a large slam of the front door.

"I guess that's going to be normal now." I say enthusiastically. Or i could just close the door without walking so far from it. I stand up, going through the first box full of my bedroom/bathroom stuff. I didn't have much to begin with, so I obviously don't have much now either. I get up stairs some how and head to my bedroom first. I had my friend Izzy come and put together an old bed she said I could have while I was signing papers. It wasn't much. I empty all of my belongings into my room decorating it to my liking which took me a few hours. The one thing I hoard is art supplies is what I discovered.

 The one thing I hoard is art supplies is what I discovered

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I grabbed my now really empty box and went to my bathroom. There was a small little area with shelves where i put my folded towels, shampoo, body wash, and other "self care" items. I finished unpacking my bathroom. I run downstairs and grab the box with some of my clothes and pull out my PJs. I go upstairs and turn on the bath while I walk into my bed room. I plug my phone in and grab a cupcake scented candle. I bring it into the bathroom. I turn the bath off and strip myself of my clothes. I step in carefully not being use to the tall tub. I slowly sink down until the water reaches my nose. I close my eyes relishing on this hot water. My apartment barely got warm and this is practically boiling. I let my mind water when I hear my shampoo knock over on the floor. I jump at the loud noise interrupting the piercing silence. 

I sit up and look around I roll my eyes. I'm really getting tired of all this. 

I grab my shampoo and lather my hair using that as a que to hurry up as it is almost 10. I finish up really quickly wrapping A towel around my body. 

"fuck." I huff under my breath realizing I forgot my clothes in my room. I open the door and get met with the cool hallway. "cold, cold, cold, cold , coooold." I whine.

I push open the door and walk in. I look at my bed. 
"WHO THE HELL ARE YOU!" I scream as I make eye contact with the same boy I saw in my tub.

okay you're really losing it now Lil.

"Such a dirty mouth for a pretty face." the boy on my bed tsks at me as he sits up from his previous position. Me holding my towel even tighter i stumble towards my phone ready to call 911. He quickly stands up and beats me to my phone in one stride. He stands in front of it and I notice his appearance a lot closer. He's dressed in all black, extremely talk, has long dark brown hair that has a slight curl on the ends. His blue/green eyes are large and compliment his full pink lips which are accompanied with a black lip piercing on the bottom left side of his bottom lip. If he hadn't broke in I would've found him quite attractive at the moment.

"that wouldn't be very smart love." he says looking down on my 5'6 frame.

"why not! you broke in!" I say aggressively. I don't know where I gained the confidence to talk to a possibly dangerous man who is in my room but I'm going with it.

"Because the police would think your crazy. arriving and being met with an old old house."  he says carelessly. "Now go change and I'll explain darling." he says looking me up and down.

"how do i know you're not going to escape?" I say looking at him. He's clearly been here before. I saw him earlier.

"I mean, you could change here, I wouldn't mind." he says smirking. I roll my eyes turning around going back to the bathroom. I hastily change into my PJs. I run back to room and find him going through all of my art.

"Hey! stop that!" I say running over slamming my hand on the desk trying to cover my art.

"it's really good he says." He takes a seat in my desk chair spinning around multiple times.

"take a seat sweet heart, you're gonna want to." He says as I walk to my bed and sit up against my headboard.

"and next time, I'd recommend wearing shorts that had a little more length." He says winking to me. "unless you want to really get to know me."

"just explain yourself." I say rolling my eyes.

"Okay. It goes a little like this:"



hello! I'm working on a the trailer for the book after this! this chapter is definitely much longer but it does get spicy ;))) Make sure you add this to your library or else you won't know what happens. I left it on a very big cliff hanger! I hope you've had a wonderful day. 


much love: maddie <3

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