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Lilac's POV

I groan as I'm abruptly woken by Greenlight from 5 Seconds of Summer. I sit up squinting as I pull my phone off the cord to turn off this dumb alarm. I drag my bare feet across the rough carpet to the bathroom. I brush my teeth and put on my outfit for today. I plan on going to look at the small house as I have today off from work and school which is rare. I threw on some black jeans I found on the floor and a pastel windbreaker. I tried to fix my hair which the word mess was an understatement.

 I tried to fix my hair which the word mess was an understatement

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I grab my keys and phone and lock the door. It's a 20 Minute drive filled with a bunch of Hamilton and 5 Seconds of Summer. When I arrive a small little lady is standing by the door with a small clip board. She looks to be late 40's. I get out of my car and walk up the wooden steps. When I get closer you can see the small amount of gray lining her hairline and the small wrinkles that line her mouth and eyes.

"Hello Dear, are you Lilac?" She asks in a soft tone.

"I am! I was really wondering about this house because I need to be moved into somewhere in the next two days and this house was extremely cheap and quaint looking." I say as I look around the front. It's a pale green with white trim. There's ivy growing up the walls as flowers litter the front of the house. It looks like a fairy tale.

"It's very possible Ms. Woods, you're the only client I have looking at this space right now. I'll wait out here whilst you go in and look around. If you have any questions we can talk when you're done looking." she says. 

"Thank you." I smile.

I ope the front door as I step inside, it's bare with oak floors and a very muted light blue. To the left there's a place I'd assume is the living room and a hallway that I'm assuming leads to the kitchen. My footsteps creak under the old floors. I take a couple of steps forward looking down the hallway when I hear the front door slam shut. I spin around on the balls of my feet my heart beat picking up. What was that? It must have been the old lady, or the wind. It's an old house, My mom's house did it all the time...not that hard...but still.I slowly turn back around continuing down the small hallway where a staircase sits right beside of it. 

I reach the end of the hallway and there's a door leading outside and on the right is an archway with a small kitchen with black and white tiled floors and pale yellow walls. I step in the kitchen where old dusty windows are casting a white light in, illuminating the dust in the air. This house is gorgeous for it's age I must admit. I step in and run my hands along the counter top. I look up turning around, as I turn I see a large dark shadow move across the opening of the kitchen from the corner of my eyes. I take longer steps quickly running over to see who it was but I'm met with nothing but sunshine and emptiness. 

"don't worry lil. you're just seeing things, all you need is breakfast." I mumble to myself as I look up the stair case. I delicately put my hands on the railing as I take slow steps up the stairs, my weight creaking under the wood every time I take a step. When I get up there, there's two doors. I go to the left and open that door first.

It opens up to a small room, a bedroom with a large window on the far wall. I walk inside looking into the back yard with a large tree line and white picket fence surrounding the back yard. I'm looking at all the dandelions covering the yard when I feel a cold finger run up my right arm and a hot break by me left ear. I jump turning around facing a once again...empty room. I quicken my pace up going into the door on the right: the bathroom.

It has that classic bathtub with the 4 legs. The tubs I adore. I look in the mirror my hair slightly out of place from walking so fast. I move hair behind my back as I freeze. I see a boy in my tub dressed In all black with curly brown hair and pale green/blue eyes. we both make eye contact. He smiles devilishly as I turn around somehow being faced with an empty bathtub. 

"Damn, I really need some food." 

I quickly run down the stares and out the house. Wanting to leave as soon as possible I look at the lady. I completely ignore everything that just happened. Stuff like that doesn't exist.

"So, when can I sign the papers?" I say smiling politely.

By the time we're done I hop in my car and head back to my apartment to gather stuff in boxes. I'll leave a lot of the big stuff and use some saved money for a new couch and bed frame. 

*Skips Packing Because that's boring AF*

Caleb's POV

It's a girl. I watch her from the top of the stairs out of her sight. I could easily get closer without her seeing me. I have the power to be unseen by the human no matter how far or close we are. But she's gorgeous none the less. Even if I don't feel things. You'd have to be pretty dumb to not notice her beauty. I quickly slide down the railing silently. She's about halfway down the hall when I lean against the door slamming it shut. She jumps making me let out a chuckle as I walk near her. I can see her dark brown eyes trying to come up with an excuse for that. I walk around her strolling and leaving against a kitchen wall. This is SO BORING.

I walk to to the hallway. let's have some fun. I make myself visible watching her as I silently move across the open space of the arch way. She spins even faster and runs towards the arch way. I can feel her warmth she's so close to me yet so unaware of where I am. I close my eyes not feeling warm in so long. But just as fast as it's there, it's gone. 

She's headed upstairs now, I follow longing for the warmth that not even the sun can give me anymore. I watch her for a bit as I come up behind her. I'm practically hugging her from behind. I take my fingertip desperate to feel even more warmth and drag it across her arm. This really freaks her out. 

I roll my eyes and head to the bathroom and take a seat in the tub ready to really freak her out. She walks in and touches the tub. It looks like she's looking right at me but I know she's not. She turns around and looks in the mirror. I look right at her knowing exactly what I'm doing. This time she looks right at me and I smile knowing damn well she's horrified. and I fucking love it. I feed off it and it feels amazing. 

She mumbles something about need food and bolts out of there. I'm sitting in the tub laughing my ass off. Just wait my darling. just wait.


hello guys! i hope this intrigues you to read this because I'm working really hard on it. if i made a book trailer would you watch it? it would kind of give you a visual to the story and a plot. I would love it so much if you added this to your library and  voted for me! IF YOU'RE CONFUSED CALEB IS A PARANORMAL ENTITY. he's kind like a demon. he feeds off fear and such and the plot is him developing feelings for lilac through the story even though he's technically not meant to feel anything. thank you!

Love, Maddie

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