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Lilac's POV
"Who are you?" Calum asks pulling the sheets up even more.
"Someone you don't want to know." He says his fist clenched. You could tell Caleb was slowly killing Calum with his eyes. He glances at me his face relaxing for a split second. "Lilac, can you come out to the hall for a moment." He says smiling bitterly sweet. I look at Calum, him asking if I'm okay Silently. I nod my head.
"Just go ahead and change." I tell Calum and go out there. I walk out to the hall and close the door quietly and look at Caleb.
"Does my love not mean anything to you?" He whisper shouts. I look down feeling guilty about last night. "I'm confused Caleb." I say trying to form an excuse for yesterday's actions. "A lot is going on and he asked to hangout and we went to a club...I got drunk...and things escalated." I tell him looking into his eyes.
He shakes his head and looks down rubbing his temples. "I left for one day. ONE." He sighs.
"I left to hopefully fix our situation. I left to fix me. I want to be with you Lil. And I know you won't ever trust me if I stay the way I am. I'm trying to change. For you." He says with a hurt expression.
"I'm sorry Caleb." I mumble.
He laughs. "I've tried to be perfect for you Lil. I've tried to be better. Hell. I'm a demonic spirit. And I've tried to be perfect for an angel. One of the most perfect beings to exist. But somehow you're worst than me. Do you feel anything for me?" He pleads. His eyes dart all over my face looking for something.
I've never been asked such a question. Do I love Caleb? Is there a way to love a demon who does nothing but hurt people? I rack my brain for all my favorite moments of us trying to think. I look at him and his face. He waits for an answer and turns around.
"Fuck this shit." He laughs through his tears. "Go be with your perfect little ken doll." He says turning around walking out the doors. I rush after him screaming his name. I run out there front door to be met with nobody.
A/n: I like my new bracelets. I wish I could meet all you irl. :(

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