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a/n: I plan on doing a sketch of him :) I've done some sloppy water color(below), but I really wanna sketch him

a/n: I plan on doing a sketch of him :) I've done some sloppy water color(below), but I really wanna sketch him

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Lilac's POV
"Caleb?" I whisper into his chest. I feel the vibrations of him replying with a hum. "Can you tell me everything? In detail?" I ask looking into his eyes. They hold the same expression he had when he told me loved me. Fear. Uneasiness? He nods his head standing holding me bridal style. He carries me to the living room gently setting me on the couch and putting a small blanket over me.
"Stay here." He whispers as he looks for the remote. He turns on Spongbob leaving me alone. "I'll be back right back." I nod my head trying to focus on the screen. I'm assuming he's going to the kitchen to clean my mess up. I'm about 15 minutes into spongebob not really paying attention to anything but my thoughts when he comes back and sits by me. He rubs his eyes and sighs.
"You think so much. Too much." He mumbles. I sit up, facing him on the opposite side of the couch. I sit quietly waiting for him to explain himself.
"Yesterday sucked ass." He mumbles. "I hurt you. But I helped you fix it. You brought that dickbag home after ignoring me all day. When he left I screamed at you and you screamed at me...it wasn't good." He mumbles the last bit. "But somehow I ended up admitting my feelings I felt towards you. I still mean it. I don't how I'm going to show you. But I will." He says. "You ran down the stairs after I said I loved you and just...fell." He said looking up at me. "You hit He ground really hard so I brought you up to your bed and texted your friend to come over."
"You didn't stay with me?" I ask. He looked down shaking his head. How could he not stay? He "loves" you. I shake my head looking at him. I stand up and look at him shaking my head again.
"This isn't going to work. We can't be together." I tell him sternly. His face drops,
"Because you don't love me. It's not possible." I say. "Don't lie to me like this."
He stands up looking at me, "I'm not lying. Just give me a chance." He begs frowning, his eyebrows coming together.
"No. I know what you're doing. And YOU of all people. You. Can't. Love." I scream at him pushing my finger into his chest for every word of 'you can't love'. Does he know how much it hurts getting told someone loves you. Knowing it's a lie. I feel like he's playing with me. And I've been played my entire life.  Not letting it happen if I can stop it at least once.
"You fucking liar." I laugh. I head upstairs and close my door locking it. I open my window and crawl out onto my roof and close my window. I pull my hair up with the hair tie on my wrist and pull out my phone. I have a couple of texts from Calum.
'Hey. Thank you again for such a perfect night.'
'I was wondering if I could take you out sometime?'
I smile slightly. Caleb is just jealous. I'm not giving him any attention and he's bored. I quickly type 'sure.' And I'm put my phone away. Not today Caleb. Not ever.
I'm sorry this took forever and it's so short. I've been super busy. But I plan on starting my sketch tonight and I'll definitely post progress pics as I update. I hope you've had a good day! Thank you so much for over 3.5k views! We're almost to 4K omgggg
Maddie xoxo

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