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I hear the faint pounding on my door through my closed window. I roll my eyes telling him to fuck off in my brain and all of sudden I hear a response.
'Open the fucking door or I'll pick the lock.' Caleb growls. That's new. Really new. I didn't know he could do that. 'I can do plenty of things you don't even know about.' He says his voice dripping with cockiness.  "Asshole." I mumble out loud.
"I HEARD THAT." I crawl through my window Back into my room and land on my toes. I walk over to the large wooden door and unlock it. Before I could even get my hand on the door knob Caleb barges through pushing himself up onto me. I let out a small scream surprised by his movements.
His hand comes to my neck and holds it firmly, but not to the point of choking me in a bad way. He guides me backwards until the backs of my knees hit the bed. My back hits the soft mattress as he crawls on top of me. He leans down and whispers into my ear.
"I don't like getting ignored." He growls.
He looks at me and grins as his eyes turn once again as he kisses me deeply. His sudden confidence turned me on as I let my eyes close letting him have my way with me. I know this was wrong with everything in my body. I shouldn't let him have his way. His lips burned against my skin as he traveled to my neck biting and sucking. He bites my ear and continues to kiss my neck until I let out a loud moan unexpectedly causing him to chuckle darkly.
"Let me show you I love you." He says continuing his descent down. I feel his cool finger tips travel up my sides as he goes under my shirt goosebumps pricking my skin. I feel hear his hum of approval when he realizes I'm not wearing a bra. He grabs my tits groping them roughly as I let out an animalistic moan.
I feel his hot breath in my ear as he whispers out, "Who knew kitten liked it so rough."
His statement stirred me on more as I finally find the willpower to move my hands as I bring them to his back letting my nails sink into his skin. He lets out a low groan and digs his hips into mine.
Wanting to feel his member against me again I dig a little deeper and lift my hips. I'm given the same response and moan a little at the contact. Frustrated he pulls away and looks at me. He grabs the end of my shirt and looks at me, "can I take this off?" I nod my head and close my eyes.
"You need to be verbal with me kitten." He says sternly. I let out an airy yes and that's all it takes for him to teasingly drag my shirt up. His cold fingertips press into my warm skin causing my breathe to pick up. I let out a whine at how slow he is going. "Patience baby." He mumbles. "I'm here to make love with you. Not destroy you." He mumbles more to himself than to me.
"Well you can show me your love by fucking my brains out." I growl. He looks at me smiling until something makes him stop and freeze staring at me. My shirt is suddenly brought back to where it was before he came in my room.
"Your eyes." He mumbles. "What? What about them?" I asked confused.
He grabs my hands and brings me to the bathroom and stands behind me.
"They're the same normal hazel color they always are." I say annoyed that he ruined the moment over something that doesn't matter. He shakes his head.
"Just watch." He says worried. His puts his arms around my waist as he stands behind me. He moves my hair to the side revealing my neck and starts to place small sloppy kisses on my neck, stopping to suck a little bit. That's when I see it.
My eyes are completely white. There's no trace of my irises and the normal brown I see every day. Caleb watches me as I realize what he meant. I turned around and looked at him scared.
"What's happening to me?" I ask him my voice faltering with every syllable.

Hi guys!!! I'm on my plane rn. I'm prewriting this. :) but I did write a little smut, so tell me how that was because it was extremely awkward to write next to my sisters. I kept looking over my shoulder lmao to make sure nobody saw me. I'm sorry this chapter is short and kinda whack. Thankyou so much for almost 4.9k reads. That's insane. I'm about to take a name because I'm really tired!
Thankyou for reading this book!
Maddie xoxo
Update: I'm here. It's warm and pretty. I'm in love. Also look at this pineapple I saw oh my gosh I want it

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