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"Actually. You shouldn't make ME feel bad for liking a boy. I have a life. And I'M SINGLE." I spit back shouting. "I'm so over this." I say laughing as tears brim the edge of my eyes. I dart towards the stairs. I get to the top when I hear something that makes my heart drop.

"IT'S BECAUSE I LOVE YOU LILAC." I hear him shout louder than I ever have before. I stop and turn around looking at him from the top of the stairs. He's looking at me with tears streaming down his face. The thing that sent chills down my spine is his eyes. They changed again to a raging black sea full of emotion.

"What?" I ask in disbelief my voice cracking.

Lilac's POV

"I love you." He says quietly letting a sob escape his lips. His long black sleeve that covers his hand came up as he roughly wipes the tears, ducking his head trying to hide the tears from me. 

He looks up at me, his eyes back to a beautiful green[sorry not sorry]. His eyes are red and puffy and he sniffles lightly. He looks scared. Like he doesn't know what to do. His hand goes to the back of his head as he pulls on his long curly locks of brown hair. 

"I don't know what do. I don't know what I'm feeling...how I'm feeling. I've never felt this before. I just met you a week ago and I've felt more in the last week than I have for an entire century." he lets out, pacing the floor at the bottom of the stairs. He eyes shut as he tenses up. "fuck. fuck. fuck. You're so goddamn stupid Caleb. The fuck were you thinking." He continues to mumble. 

I rush down the stairs and meet Caleb when he turns around to pace towards the stairs for the fifth time. I grab his cheeks my fingertips burning when I touch him. "hey hey hey, Caleb." I whisper, his eyes still shut tightly. He tries tugging himself away from me but I don't budge. I rub my thumbs on his cheeks wiping his tears. "please open your eyes." I whisper soothingly. He shakes his head no and I sigh. "Please? For me?" I ask trying to guilt him to. His sits there for a moment until his face relaxes as he slowly opens his eyes looking right into my eyes. He frowns sadly looking at me. His eye's are all black as he looks at me. We stare at each other for a moment. His tears seem to falling when he looked at me.

His demeanor changed quickly from love and admiration to something else. His lips slowly curl up into devilish grin as his thick brows furrow. His once comforting dark eyes changed to cold pits. Faster than anyone I've ever seen move, his hand jolts to my neck. He grips my neck tightly ignoring the bandages he previously put there earlier in the day. I scream out in pain begging him to stop. I look at him as he slowly moves his pointer finger to his lips that still hold a terrifying grin to 'shh' me. His hand tightens blocking off my airways as he shoves me into the wall right below the staircase at an unbelievable force. My head hits the wall causing my ears to ring. He chuckles menacingly at me as he tilts his head. He looks at me as he raises me off the floor where my toes are dangling in the air. I start to cough trying to get some bit of air in my lung. "So pretty. So so pretty." He growls taking a large kitchen knife and tracing my jaw with it. He must have grabbed it and hid it before Calum left. "Well, darling, I must say. You need to realize who you trust. I've told you many times. I. don't. feel ." He growls as he quickly slits my cheek. He leans forward using the tip of his tongue catching the blood dripping from the deep cut. 

"You're a maniac." I get out my teeth clenched so hard it feels like I'm going to break my jaw. 

He chuckles. "Well you're a little too sane for me darling." He says moving the hand holding my neck down and replaces it with the knife.My breathe stops as my eyes widen. He drops his head looking at me from under his lashes his grin even wider. He licks the knife and pushes it further into my neck. 

"Bye bye sweetheart." He says swiping the knife.


this book is just getting started hehe. I hope you liked today's chapter. It was pretty fun to write. I love writing fucked up dark Caleb. It's hot afff :) yall I'm still waiting to get put on a trending list but it's whatever. I'm not salty. :)))

maddie xoxo

thank you sm for all the love and support <33

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