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a/n: wooaahhhhh 5 updates in one day. Y'all are some lucky beans. Happy 20th chapter. We sure did get here fast.
Lilac's POV
I look around to met with the trees around me rustling and the space around me without Caleb. I feel tears in my eyes rushing inside and practically running up my stairs. I open my door and look at Calum,
"I think you need to leave." I say to him harshly holding in my urge to scream and cry.
"What about la-" He says coming near me trying to put his hands on my waist. I pull away not wanting anyone but Caleb to hold me right now.
"It was a mistake. So was going on a date. All of this. It was wrong." I tell him just letting the tears fall at this point. I close my eyes tightly. "Please. Leave." I say Just above a whisper.
He lets out a sigh and I hear him walk down stairs.
"Whatever. Bitch." He mumbles slamming my door shut. I look at the door through my tears as everything is blurred together. I fall onto my top stair and cry. I cover my face and let every sob rake through my body until my throat is raw. I feel myself about to throw up as I run to my bathroom and lean over the toilet letting last night's contents come up. Never in my life have I cried hard enough to throw up. The thought only makes me cry harder as I feel my face soaked in tears and snot. I curl up next my toilet rocking back and forth hyperventilating from the amount of sobs escaping me shaking my head. I did it. I didn't know I loved Caleb. But I do. And now he's gone. Forever. The one person I put my entire trust into. Is gone. I let out a scream as I smack the cold tiles in anger.
"You dumb bitch." I scream into the floor until my hands are red and stinging. I fall forward and pull at my hair. "Why. Why did you leave?" I whisper as i tense up feeling the house shake.

'Under great stress angelic powers can be seen'

Not now. Please. I can't do this alone. I look up around me trying to Calm down. That's when I see her.

"Mom?" I ask my voice cracking. She walks over and sits by me wiping my tears. She's cold just like Caleb, she smiles sadly at me.
"Mom. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to send you there. I didn't want that to happen. I'm so sorry." I start crying again. She shh's me wiping the tears.
"It's okay sweetheart. There's no need to cry." She says soothingly moving my hair out of my face.
"I lost him." I say looking at my hands. She shakes her, "No, you didn't baby. He's out there, waiting. For you."
"He doesn't love me anymore. I don't think he ever loved me to begin with." I mumble wiping my snot from my nose.
"I think he did. I know he did. He talked to me. He's trying to fix himself Lilac. For you. I don't think he wants to help you anymore, but you can do this alone. You're so strong baby." She whispers. I look up at her smiling weakly.
"How do I fix him Mom?" I ask her quietly. "I didn't know I loved him until he was gone. He needs to know." I tell her. She smiles nodding her head.
"I never told him how to fix himself. He can't do it himself." She says. I nod my head. "Everything you need to fix him, you have baby. It's not some weird spell or some fancy potion." She tells me. I furrow my brows and look at her.
"I can't stay here much longer baby. I'll get in very big trouble." I hug her tightly telling her how sorry I am. She hugs me rubbing my back.
"Me and your father don't regret it. You're our biggest achievement. Now go get your boy." She smiling sadly. The room starts to fill with a bright light,
"I love you Lilac." She says. "I love you more Mom." I tell her smiling at her until she's gone. I sigh looking at the ground. I've cried enough. I need him to know. I stand up and look in the mirror wiping my tears and blow my nose. I walk to my room and find some pants to put on. I keep Caleb's shirt on as it smells like him. I walk over to the book.

'Everything you need to fix him, you have.'

I sit down and pull a piece of notebook paper out and start writing down everything.
A/N: and you guys thought I was done. Bet. Hehe. I really loved this chapter. I have some stuff planned out but I don't know I want to organize all of it.
Maddie xoxo

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