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Lilac's POV

I head to my anatomy class as I pull out my sketchbook. I flip to a clean page warming up my hand as I wait for class to begin. "Lilac!" I hear someone call my name. I look up and see my favorite person head over. "Izzy!" I exclaim closing my sketchbook. I stand up giving her a hug. Izzy was your typical art major. Long brown slightly wavy hair. Kind of pale, but could easily tan if she actually went outside, and had a pretty unique style.

"I've not seen you in forever!" She says taking a seat next to me.

"I know! Thankyou so much for that bed! It's gorgeous." I say smiling. "No problem. It was just wasting space. We should have a girls night again, it's been sooo long." She exclaims. "You could come over tonight?"
"I'll be there." She says.
*after classes*

I head to the Coffee shop on campus ready to get work over with. I'm exhausted from last night. I walk and see my manager. "Hello Mrs. Newberry." I say walking past her towards the little closet where I keep my stuff. "Lilac for the last time I said to call me sherry." She says after handing a professor her coffee. I laugh throwing on my little red apron that has a teacup on it. "I'm not use to it." Even if have been working here for the last two years. I chat lightly leaning against the counter away from the door. I was telling her about everything I need to pick up at the store before I went home today because i knew I would forget if I didn't say it out loud.

I hear the bell on the door ring as someone opens the door. I turn around smiling at something Sherry said. My heart stops. In the door way is tall pale boy dressed in all black. His hair is covering the tops of his eyes. I could see his smirk. He casually walks up to the register. I lean over the counter and whisper yell making sure sherry can't hear me.

"What the hell are you doing here!?" I was fuming. How did he have the nerve to follow me here. "I wanted to see where you went to school plus sitting at home all day gets boring." He says looking at the board with all of our items above my head. "Hmmm, what's good here?" He asks smirking, know very damn well I'm holding in my urge to hop over this counter and beat HIS brains in. "Such violent thoughts for such a pure girl." He whispers to me. "what do you want?" I ask gritting my teeth together. "Just give me what you normally get baby."

I ring him up a s'mores frappe and turn to make it for him. "What time do you get off?" He asks patiently waiting. "I look at the clock. 5 hours have already passed and it was almost 6. "After I'm done poisoning this coffee." I say with a sourly sweet tone. "Let me take you home." He says kindly. I think it's kind of cute, just like him. "Thank you sweet pea." He says as I turn around handing him is large coffee. He winks as he takes it from me. I forget he does that thing. That dumb dumb thing.

"Go grab your things." He says sipping his drink. "Only if we stop at the store on the way home." I say walking to the little closet to grab my bag. I walk out of the closet removing my apron. I meet up with him as he opens the door for me. "Bye Sherry!" I yell since she's in her office. "Bye Lil!" I hear.

We start walking to one of the student parking lots in an awkward silence. It was a pretty warm day here in Sydney but the sun was starting to go down and I shivered. Caleb removed his large leather jacket trying to hand it to me. "Keep it." I mumble still walking. He sighs. "just take the damn jacket Lil." That was the first time he somewhat used my name and It rolled off his tongue so smoothly. I roll my eyes and grab it slipping it over my shoulders. It lacks the warmth you normally feel from someones body heat but it smells like Caleb. Which is comfortable somehow.

"Why are you always so cold?" I ask. "Because I don't use blood to regulate my body heat." He says continue walking. "I don't feel cold, I don't really feel anything." He says. "Well that sucks." I mumble. He giggles. "I mean I feel stuff. But I don't really feel attracted to people, I have emotions but it's kind of like someones taken them and pulled the switch to extra low...everything is dulled for me." I nod my head still confused. I give him my keys and hop into the passengers side.

*Skip the grocery store where Caleb literally tried to use his powers to steal EVERYTHING*

I stumbled to the car both of my arms full of bags. Caleb had more bags than me but was still walking like he was barely holding anything. We dump our stuff into my back seat and head back to the house. When I arrive Izzy is sitting on the front porch waiting. Caleb quickly vanishes and I roll my eyes. "

"I'm so sorry I'm late I say. I had to stop and get food for tonight and I went a little over board." I say quickly opening the front of the house for her. I go back and start bringing the bags in and setting them in the kitchen. She starts to help me unpack the food I bought. "No worries, I wasn't waiting very long." she says cheerfully. After we're done unpacking, the pizza she ordered ahead of time arrived. We grab the pizza and went to the living room. She logs into her Netflix and switches it so 'As Above So Below'. We dig into the pizza. I get up and bring some into the kitchen where Caleb is sitting there waiting for me to bring him pizza. " Can I have some?" He asks. "If you won't eat it all, sure." I say.

"Lilac!" I hear Izzy sceam. "Coming!" I yell back. As I'm leaving the kitchen I feel a sharp pain on my ass. I turn around and Caleb has a slice in one hand and his other hand is by his side grinning. I groan and head to the living room. We both sit through the movie, partially hiding under our blankets at some parts. At the end of the movie we're both freaked out. "Uhm Lil, I'm going to go home and...contemplate life." she says scared but still giggling. "okay, be safe." She leaves and I look up and he's just standing there. "What?" I say confused. "Nothing." He says walking closer.

I rub my eyes. "I'm going to sleep." I say headed up the stairs. but I stop when I look up and it's pitch dark. "Caleb?" I say turning around. "Hmmm?" I hear him say. "Will you come lay down with me. I'm scared." I say sheepishly. That movie for real freaked me out. "Yeah." He says. I walk into my room and lay down under the covers not wanting the demons to get my toes. Which is ironic since Caleb is kind of a demon. I giggle as He comes in wearing some grey joggers and no shirt and sits down. "You can lay down." I whisper. He lays down both of us facing each other. We're so close I can see all the little details of his face. Like how his lashes curl up into his long brown hair and how he has eye bags that seem to never end. But somehow he is so beautiful. "Go to sleep darling." He says whispering definitely listening to everything I was thinking about. "as long you don't leave me." I say my eyes already starting to droop.


hey guys! 2nd upload today. I didn't go through and fix the errors yet but I'm working on it as soon as it's posted :). thank you for all the love you guys send. it means the world to me ^-^

-maddie xoxo

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