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a/n: thank you so much for 1.6k views! that's insane and I fangirl every time i see the number :)

Lilac's POV

I probably spent 2 hours in that tub, refilling it every time it got too cool. By the time I got out my finger tips wrinkled and my skin felt hot. I groan as I realized I left my room without new clothes. I open the door to find Caleb sitting on the floor by the door his head leaning back on the wall his eyes shut. They open quickly noticing me standing there him already scrambling to stand up. I walk to my room slamming the door in his face as I change into some leggings and a hoodie.

I hear him knock a little louder on my door. "What do you not understand about LEAVE ME ALONE." I scream at the door. "LET ME HELP YOU." I hear him yell. I close my eyes stopping the tears about to escape my eyes from pure anger. I'm interrupted when I hear a loud thud that makes my walls shake. I run over opening the door to find Caleb his eye's a pure black and his hand is covered in dry wall with a large hole by my door. 

"What the hell?" I ask furious. "You do realize I can't afford to fix that." I scream at his face.

He let's out a loud sigh, his eyes changing back to his normal colors. I lets his head drop. "Please. Lilac. Let me help you.I'll fix that later." He says just above a whisper. 

Not wanting him to destroy my house anymore I nod my head. He grabs my hand and leads me to the bathroom, picking me up and setting me on the counter top. He turns on the sink to the hottest setting as he goes over the small shelves and finds the small first-aid kit my mom gave me before I moved out. He sets it by me and puts his hands under the water for a couple of minutes. He quickly dries them off with a small towel and touches my neck softly. "Is that warm enough?" He asks worried. My heart warms a little bit when I realized he warmed up his hands so they aren't so cold when he touches me. I smile lightly and nod my head yes. 

He moves my hair to the side as he lightly brushes his fingers against the two marks. I flinch, the cuts still sensitive to the touch. He frowns pulling out the Neosporin. He dabs some on his finger and gently applies it the small holes. on my neck. I close my eyes trying to ignore the pain.

 "I'm really sorry babe." He says looking into my eyes. 

"I feel used." I spit out , still angry at him. He flinches at my response.

"If I knew how many issues this would've caused, I wouldn't have used you Lil. I'm really sorry." He says looking at me through his long lashes. I just look at him as he pulls out some bandages and starts to apply them to my neck. "Please don't give me the silent treatment." He begs me. "Just. Give me some time." I whisper as I look down. 

His fingers, much colder now, go under my chin as he pulls my head up. He looks into my eyes, looking for something. I look at his eyes. They're pools of blue and specks of green invade the outer ring, my eyes dart to his lips that hold a natural pout. I look at his black lip ring on the bottom left of his lip looking at the small dip of his lip where the piercing is straining under the fullness of his bottom lip. 

My tongue dips out to wet my lips as I make eye contact with him again. He starts to lean into me his cold lips meet mine. I close my eyes leaning into him as I feel his finger tips touch the unwrapped part of my neck traveling to the back of my head. He intertwines his fingers into my wet hair and pulls my head up towards his. My hands go to his broad shoulders feeling the muscles under his skin flex. 

As I pull back he opens his eyes. I'm once again met with the demonic eyes I've seen under many different occasions. He closes his eyes tightly his brows furrowing. He clears his throat, "Uhm, sorry, that happens sometimes when I'm anxious or something..." he rushes out, his eyes slowly opening.

I feel my cheeks heating up and start to turn a darker shade. "You're okay." I say leaning forward kissing his lips once again making sure to run my tongue over his piercing. His eyes once again turn to a much darker color. I watched as his pupils seem to engulf his entire eyes. Mesmerized I look at them. as he looks at me again, "stop doing that." he says. For the first time ever, I see a light pink graze his cheeks. Not a lot. But enough to know that he's embarrassed.

"I'm going to go take a nap." I say as I use his shoulders to help me hop to the ground. I walk out of the bathroom, Caleb staying there just looking into the mirror with his hands supporting him self on the counter. I enter my room and get in my bed. Something surprises me just before I fall asleep.

I feel a pair of ice cold lips touch my forehead right before I drift off into a deep sleep.


it's currently 1:33am so RIP to me. but I love updating this book. IT GOT SAUCY TONIGHT AYEEE hehe. All you guys encourage me so much :) I hope you have a wonderful day/night where ever you are! It would really mean the world if you checked  out my other fanfic on my profile. It's Colby Brock if that interests you <3 I'll see you guys in the next chapter!!

maddie xoxo

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