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a/n: my face when you guys comment and vote on my story. Question? How old do I look?
Lilac's POV
"Caleb." I laugh my hand going to my bandaged arm laughing nervously. He can't see the bandages but we both know he knows.
"You know you shouldn't do that." He says he walking over and putting his hands on my side looking into my eyes. I nod my head avoiding eye contact. His finger goes under my chin and lifts my head making my look at him.
"Do you still want to know what's happening?" He asks gently. I nod again not speaking.
"I'm not disappointed." He whispers reassuring me. "Why?" I ask confused.
"Because I know that you've been overwhelmed lately and that it's been in the back your mind for a while...I was just too stupid to stay with you during this episode." He says lifting my arm to his face. He kisses my arm and sits me on the bed gently him following after me.
"Did you know anything about your mom?" He asked holding my hand.
My throat drys as I look down. I've not talked about my mom to anyone. I've never been close enough to anyone to talk about it. I close my eyes shaking my head no.
"She died when I was a baby. All I have are photos of her with my dad." I breathe out still avoiding eye contact.
"Do you have any photos with you?" He asks. I nod my head. I stand up and go to my desk. I go to the very bottom of my stack of sketchbooks and pull out the one from my freshman year of high school. Inside is a small photo of my parent's wedding. My mom and dad were walking hand in hand facing away from the camera. I hand it to Caleb. He brings it to his face looking closely. I watch his eyes dart quickly around the photo as he looks at me. He mumbles a quick 'come here' . I sit next to him again. He points to my moms back, "do you see that mark?" He asks. I look at my moms back noticing a small tattoo in the shape of a flower. "Yeah my dad said she got it after he proposed to her." I say looking at him. He shakes his head.
"Well your dad lied to you."
"No he didn't." I told him. He rolls his eyes at me not wanting to deal with my back sass. He drags me to my bathroom.
"Take yo- is that my hoodie?" He asks confused. I nod my head. I watch his lips lift a little, "take my hoodie off." I pull it off leaving me in a small gray ribbed tank top. He turns me around so my back is facing him. He moves my hair away and looks at my back. He turns me around.
"Look." He says. I turn my head and see an identical tattoo in the same spot as my mother. I never got a tattoo. I look at Caleb. "Do you know what this means?" He asks me. I shake my head no.
"Babe. Your mom was an angel...and so are you." He says.
"What? How did I not know about this? What do you mean? I thought angels were pure and perfect and shit?" I say quickly. He grabs the bridge of his nose shaking his head trying not to laugh at my choice of words.
"Well they are. Suppose to be anyway." He mumbles.
"The only way this was possible was if your mom was cast out of heaven by God himself." He says looking at me.
"Why would she get kicked out? My dad said she was perfect?" I ask.
"She probably fell in love with your father. She may have been a guardian angel to him. They only were able to communicate in her dreams but that was probably enough to rise suspicion." He says walking back into my room. His head is down as he brings his hand up snapping his fingers. A book appears as a small amount of white smoke quickly dissolves. He grabs in his one hand and opened it looking at it.
"When an angel loses her status in heaven and is casted down to Earth, their powers are muted. They still possess everything they had in heaven such as their beauty, innocence(unless they decide to give it up with a human on earth), and Powers." He reads aloud.
"So you're saying...when my mom had me...she passed her powers to me somehow?" I say slowly.  He nods his head. "Why did it so long for them to show. And how are they showing?" I ask. He flips a couple of pages and reads aloud again, "Powers of angels on Earth are often revealed under great stress when someone they know needs help as they are often a threat to themselves or under a dark influence, they can only be active when the angel has never been casted out of Heaven." I nod my head.
"I think you don't act like one because they're often trained in heaven for their jobs." He adds.  I look at him studying his face and all the details on his face.

"Do you think you're the reason this is all happening?" I ask him quietly looking at my hands picking at a hangnail as I look up at him through my lashes.
a/n: I was walking to dinner and saw a guy that looked just like Colby Brock but he was closer to my age. WE MADE EYE CONTACT AND I ALMOST DIED. rip because I'll never see him again. But this is to make up for all the pointless updates today. Thank you for all the love and support.
Question: Was last chapter's warned content too much? I can try to dial it down or cut it out completely. I just want to make all of the characters issues and such as realistic as possible. It was kind of wrote to show how dangerous and wrong that type of stuff is.
Maddie xoxo

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