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Lilac's POV
I sigh as my feet slowly and quietly move down the stairs as I open the front door the cool breeze hitting me like a slap in the face. I step out looking around being met with my large empty tree and the soft breeze causing the leaves to rustle loudly. I shake my head and look down the note and set it gently on the swing not wanting to damage it even the slightest. I look up making sure I saw nothing before heading back inside. I walk up the stairs knowing everything now is not in my hands. I could only pray that God sends Caleb back to me. I need him to come back to me. I won't be able to live with myself if he never comes back. I head upstairs and grab the heavy book and bring it to my bed. I lay down pulling my plush white covers over my legs and put on sponge bob.
Caleb loved spongebob.
The thought alone makes me frown as I look at the book in my lap. I trace the gold swirls on the front and sigh. I open the book and just reread everything and study a bit more.
My mind keeps wandering away from me as I the words blend together and I can't process anything. I look at my ceiling and get up to head downstairs.
It's been a couple of hours so I open the door and see the small letter waded up into a small ball sitting dead center of the door way.
"Oh Caleb..." I mumble picking it up. I hold it close to my chest and close my eyes tightly.
"I'm so sorry." I think hoping he can hear me. I don't feel anything. I feel empty. I wonder if Caleb ever feels this way. I bet it's normal to him. But to me it's everything.
'it's kind of like someones taken them and pulled the switch to extra low...everything is dulled for me.'
I can hear his voice in my head. That was ages ago. I smile thinking to how much I hated him. But then again. I had to admit I was attracted to him. Physically.
I head upstairs to attempt to go to bed early. Maybe I can sleep well for the first time in months. I've never slept in this house. Empty. Just me. That's how it was suppose to be. But it wasn't. Now it is and I'd do anything to change it. I crawl under my covers and try to disappear. From this. From everything. From the world.
I close my eyes and let my mind drift.
'"Fuck this shit." He laughs through his tears. "Go be with your perfect little ken doll." He says turning around walking out the doors. I rush after him screaming his name. I run out there front door to be met with nobody.'
I jolt awake as I sit up. My room is pitch black and I groan, rubbing my eyes. My phone reads 2:33am and I think about how long I've been asleep. I've slept for 6 hours. It's more than normal but I'm still exhausted. I hear a quiet thud downstairs but I ignore it for some thunder outside. Of course it's raining. I get up and go to my window closing the blinds just as I see a flash of lightning.
I don't mind thunderstorms but being alone in an old house is nerve wracking to say the least. I turn on the small fairy lights in my room trying to make it seem a little more homey.
That's when I hear it again.
My heart stops as I know it's coming from downstairs. I grab the best weapon I could find which was an umbrella. I roll my eyes as I slowly walk down the stairs trying to not let the normally creaky wood creak. The thunder is ten times louder down here as the house raffles causing me to jump. I hold the railing as I make my descent slowly to the 1st floor. I go to the window and look out seeing a tall figure. I can practically hear my heartbeat in ear.
Is it Caleb?
Or a murder?
I sigh shakily and head to my door. I open it slowly ready to wack anyone with an umbrella. I look at the figure. They're tall and dripping wet. I open the door more when lightning lights up the person for just a moment. My heart stops and tears well in my eyes.
a/n: would you guys want a pretty normal Colby Brock Fanfiction or another Caleb Fanfiction. I have my imagines book so I'm leaning towards the Brock fiction but idk. I'll let you guys decide.
I'm trying to drag out these chapters as much as possible because I really don't want this book to end haha.
That meme ignited a memory oh my gosh. I died when I saw it. 2014 was such an amazing year for me.
Thank you for 15k. How insane.
Maddie xoxo

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