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a/n: YALL I AM SO ANNOYED LMAO. BASICALY TRIED TRANSITIONS FOR THE FIRST TIME. TRIED TO COPY CALEB. it didn't work out. So enjoy this face reveal?/embarrassing fail. You should def follow me on tik tok tho ;)

Lilac's POV

I head back downstairs and pull out some cookies and food from when Izzy came over for a bit. Most of it was gone from the boy that lives in this house. A boy only I really know. I sigh, the guilt starting to set in about me ignoring Caleb. 

I'm one of his only friends. He kissed me today but here I am inviting another boy to my house. Stop it Lil. Stop.

Caleb isn't normal. He's a creature that practically eats people. He doesn't feel any remorse for you or anyone.  He just lives here to get food. Not normal food either.

You deserve a normal boy. A boy who goes to college, wants to live a normal life. And has fun with his friend being a goofball. Shortly after I brought down all of my pillows and blankets I hear a light knock on my front door.

I open the door and Calum is sitting there in grey sweats with a solid black shirt. He had a bouquet of roses and sunflowers in one hand the other hand holding a large bag of Chinese food. "These are for you." He smiles blushing slightly holding the flowers out. "You shouldn't have!" I say giggling. "I brought us Chinese. I didn't know what you'd like so I got a little bit of everything." He says. 

"Thank you Cal. You can go to the living room." I said nodding my head the left of me to guide him to the living room. I'll be right back." I say smiling sweetly. I walk down the small hall and rummage through the kitchen for a vase. I find one under the sink and start to fill it with water. I turn around almost dropping the glass vase when I see Caleb there, his fist clenched. The lights flicker slightly when he looks at me his eyes black holes. He's frowning so much his brows are almost touching.

"Caleb!" I whisper shout. "Get upstairs!"

"Why? So you can let that asshole convince you he has feelings for you?" He spits at me his teeth grinding with every word. My eyes go wide. 

"Just let me be normal! I have a life without you in it Caleb." I Say walking past him shoving him. I set them by the window walking to the living room. "Sorry that took so long." I say my mood switching when I see Calum under a blanket. I sit by him joining him under the cover as I lean over picking up a box of warm lomein. The TV was playing Bolt. I smile lightly at his cute choice. "So Calum, why do you work at ChickFilA?" I ask chewing a mouthful of lomein. 

"Uhm, I lost a dare to my buddy Michael, so I had to apply and and got the job. And now here I am. Being bitterly sweet about everything." He says giggling. "That's a weird dare." I say laughing at his response. "Yeah, well my buddy thought he could get a bunch of free food from it. Which he does, but not as much as he thought he'd get." I nod my head trying some orange chicken. "What about you Lilac?" I was taken aback by hearing my full name. Caleb never uses it. "I just work at a coffee shop on campus. I've been there for two years. The owner was one of my mom's best friends." I say smiling. He looked at me smiling lightly. His chocolate brown eyes reminded me of a puppies eyes, He had pale pink lips and a small scruff on his chin. The complete opposite of Caleb.. 

We talk a bit more about our hobbies as we put the food on my small table and hop on the couch together. I lean into him as his arm goes around my shoulder. He was warm. A lot warmer than Caleb... 

Stop that. Stop Comparing him to Caleb. He doesn't like you and never will.

I snuggle my head further into Calum's side as we watch the end of Bolt. I look up and find Calum with his eyes closed as his chests rise and falls at a slow and shallow pace. I look at him, looking at every bump and wrinkle on his face. Calum is REALLY attractive. He's a good boy, loves school, has his life planned out. I like that. I like the security in that. 

I feel his muscles tense as he rolls his head back, his eyes opening slowly. He catches me staring and smirks. "Enjoying the view?" It's my turn to blush. I nod my head yes. His eyes go to my lips then back to my eyes. I tilt my head as my top lip connects with his bottom lip. His lips are warm and much larger than Caleb's. Almost too warm...my thoughts stop when I feel pain. His hand had grabbed my neck, flinching when he pressed against my bandage. Calum quickly jolted back.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't see it." He says brushing my hair back looking at the white patch on my neck. "Oh no you're fine! It's my fault. I was trying to hide it." I say giggling and covering it back up.

"What happened?" He asks worried. I start to panic. "Oh gosh. It wasn't anything. I was being clumsy and accidentally scratched myself with a pencil." I say quickly. good save.

He starts to chuckle. He pecks my lips and stands up. He stretches, his hands rising above his head. All I can do is look at his happy trail when His shirt rides up.  He catches me staring and I blush.

"I've had a lot of fun tonight. But I think it's time to head out." He says smiling sadly at me. I nod my head, getting up. I lead him to the door.
"Thank you so much for tonight." I say opening the door as he steps out. "Good night Lilac." I wave goodbye when the door slams shut harder than it ever has before. I jump following the large hand to be met with Caleb's face.

"It's about fucking time." He practically growls at me. He's standing inches from me and I feel nothing but cold emptiness. 

"Ca-" I begin. "No. Don't 'Caleb' me! I've done everything I could to try to get you to talk to me today. I've been nice. I've left you alone. and how DO YOU REPAY ME?" His voice rising with every word until he's shouting at me.

"YOU BRING HOME SOME DOUCHEBAG AND CUDDLE UP WITH HIM. THEN YOU KISS HIM." He shouts. But I can't see the anger in his eye. Instead I see something else. Hurt? Sadness?

"in front of me." he whispers his head dropping. He sounds hurt and I feel almost bad for him. 

"Caleb." I whisper. "I'm sorry. It's just, I have a life. I can't put it on pause for you. I don't know why it bothers you so much that I brought a boy home. We aren't together. You're not boyfriend. You don't feel anything. You feel nothing for me." I say pitying him, my words becoming more forced the further I speak realizing that he shouldn't make me feel bad for living my life. 

"Actually. You shouldn't make ME feel bad for liking a boy. I have a life. And I'M SINGLE." I spit back shouting. "I'm so over this." I say laughing as tears brim the edge of my eyes. I dart towards the stairs. I get to the top when I hear something that makes my heart drop. 

"IT'S BECAUSE I LOVE YOU LILAC." I hear him shout louder than I ever have before. I stop and turn around looking at him from the top of the stairs. He's looking at me with tears streaming down his face. The thing that sent chills down my spine is his eyes. They changed again to a raging black sea full of emotion.

"What?" I ask in disbelief my voice cracking.


I'm running on 4 hours of sleep. sigh. I've not slept much since I started this book because everyone is asking me to update. I'm trying. This took me two hours to write. So please. Give me some time to sleep guys. It's almost 1am.

But on a happier note. I really fell in love with this chapter. I've enjoyed writing this chapter more than any other thing. So please give me time. This might count as Friday's update. 

Make sure to Vote and Comment! I really want to get on a trending list thing? :( so any tips on how to do that it, it would be great!

maddie xox

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