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Lilac's POV
"Lilac. Sweetheart. You have to hurry." I look around in but I'm engulfed in blackness alone. The voice is familiar and echos around me. I jolt quickly looking around the person speaking.
"Lilac." The voice speaks again much quieter now.
"Stop saying my name! Why do I have to hurry?" I scream covering my ears. Chills prick my skin and I curl up into a ball to persevere body heat as the temperature feels like its continuing to drop as I speak.
"Caleb is running out of time."
I jump my eyes opening just as fast. My room is dark as my yellow Christmas lights provide a small yellow hue over everything in my room. I look to my side as Caleb sits there squinting at me. He groans rubbing his eyes, "babe. What's wrong?" He asks sitting up. I look down shaking my head. "Nothing. Just a bad dream." I mumble slowly laying back down.
"Do you want to talk about it." He says more awake his voice still raspy from being woke so abruptly. I shake my head no rubbing my eyes. I pull the covers up to my chin and shakily let out a breathe I didn't know I was holding.
"I love you." He mumbles as he rewraps his arms around me. I shake my head. I've had nightmares the last two nights. I brush it off on the fact that the last two days have been over things that are way out of my comfort area.
I lie in bed until I see the sun peek through the small blinds. I sigh standing up trying to depart myself from Caleb without waking him. When I'm successful I go downstairs and decide to make his favorite breakfast.
Cinnamon rolls. I line them on the tray and go into the living room as they bake and turn on Victorious.
"Good morning."
I jump as Caleb is sitting right next to me grinning. I slap his shoulder lightly.
"You dickbag." I giggle at him. "That's not nice." I say.
"Well if I'm about to lose these powers forever, I might as well make the most of them." He says leaning in to kiss me good morning. I smile into the kiss letting my eyes flutter shut. He pulls away right as his lips brush mine.
"Tease." I mumble when he leans away.
"The cinnamon roles are done." He says excited running into the kitchen.  He quickly comes back with two plates and hands me one. I thank him. I take a bite as I watch the show. I feel two burning a hole into the side of my head. I slowly look over.
Caleb isn't even eating. He's just grinning lightly looking at me. I turn red and look down.
"Can you kiss me?" I furrow my brows.
"What?" I say giggling.
"Kiss me." He says puckering his lips.
I roll my eyes as I set my plate down and lean over.
I slowly put my lips on his and lean forward into him trying to deepen the kiss. He holds my neck lightly as I close my eyes. His hand starts warm up as it travels to my waist. I pull back and look at him.
His pupils double in size as he looks at me. He looks at his hands as goosebumps prick his skin.
I look at him worriedly, "Caleb, are you okay?" He shakes his head no. I place my hands on his cheeks.
"Caleb...why are you warm?" I asl pulling my hands away.
"I don't know." He whispers.
"Caleb. Try to change your eyes." I say wide eyed.
He quickly closes his eyes. They open back up to the beautiful sea blue they normally are.
"Caleb. I think I we did it." I whisper, letting a giggle escape at the end.
"No way." He says shaking his head. I nod smiling.
"Yes way." I say. I jump into his arms hugging him tightly. I let tears fall out of my eyes. His skin is warm and inviting he hugs me back, his breathing is deep. He rubs my back.
"You kisses me." He mumbles into my hair.
I nod my head, "I love you, I just never showed it." I say crying. I pull back and look into his eyes. They're red and glossy. I press his lips to mine. His lip ring is the only coldness I feel and it's exhilarating.
"Will you finally be my girlfriend?" He asks quietly after I finished kissing him.
"A million times yes."
The End.

a/n: and just like that it's over. I can do an Epilogue if you'd like. I'll probably add one tonight and I'll also post my final a/n for this book later where I get all sappy.
I just want to say Thank you for everything . I hope you enjoyed this sappy ending <3
Maddie xoxo

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