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Lilac's POV
Caleb's face goes pale as he looks at me. He swallows and shakes his head.
"No. That's impossible. That's stupid. Why would You even think that?" He says turning, heading down the stairs, laughing dryly at the last bit.
"Because you're under a dark influence." I follow him close to his heels. He walks to the kitchen and pours himself a glass of water. He looks tense as his hands are on the counter, his shoulders almost touching his ears.
"You're eyes. They resemble th-" I start, his hand coming down onto the counter making the room rattle.
"I KNOW." He screams turning around his eyes all black. "I know. They look like the devils. But guess what? I've been to hell and back. I work for Satan himself. He was the one there for me when I died. God did nothing for me. Nothing." He spits at me.
I swallow my tears from him yelling at me and walk up to him looking into his eyes.
"Let me help you." I say rubbing his cheeks. I see his dark eyes flash with fear as his eyes Dart behind me trying to avoid eye contact. He sighs and shakes his head.
"You can't fix me." He mumbles. "You're wrong." I say. "Anything is possible."
"Don't lie to me. Please." He begs his eyes closing. "I've wanted to be free for a very long time." He whispers. He looks at me his eyes still flashing the glossy black color they are when his emotions are a mess. "I'm going to fix you. You're demonic eyes don't scare me.  And neither does your background." I say in his ear hugging him tightly. His larger frame slowly wraps himself around me as we stand there for a couple of minutes.
"We're going to have to talk to your mom." He tells me. I swallow nodding my head slowly. "It'll have to be me." He says making sure I understand.
"Why you?" I asked confused.
"Because when angels are casted out of Heaven, when they die. They go to hell."
This makes me cry knowing my mom is sitting down there. Suffering. Because of me. And my dad. She gave up her life to have me and now it's my fault she's down there. Caleb holds me tightly letting me cry getting tears all over his soft black shirt.
"Let me go babe. I'll be back soon. I need to ask her how to solve all of this." He says rubbing my back. I nod pulling my head back wiping my tears off my cheeks. He hands me a book and walks to the front of the house. "I'll be back tomorrow." He says in the doorway. I nod my head looking at the book. "Read that while I'm gone." He says nodding his head to the book. I nod my head staying silent. He opens his arms wide. "Come here baby." He mumbles. I look at him trying not to cry. I run over to him and wrap myself around him tightly. He hugs me tighter than he's ever hugged me and kisses the top of my head. I hear him mumble "I love you." Before he dissolved into thin air leaving me hugging thin air. I sigh and look down at the book. It's large and looks very old. There's gold detailing along the book. I open it revealing the title in small words,
'The Angels Handbook'
a/n: hi lovelies. Thank you so much for making me #2 in Caleb Finn and #1 in anon. That's insane. Also Thankyou for 9k reads. That makes me the #1 most read Caleb Finn book on wattpad which is crazy. But also sucks because it means that keylove deleted her book :( I hope your day has been good. I went to a pineapple farm today. It was wild. I don't even like pineapple lmao. I might upload one more chapter if I have time. I know it's short. I'm sorry
Maddie xoxo

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