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Lilac's POV

I wake up to an empty bed. The sun is letting yellow rays of light onto my bed releasing heat making me never want to leave my bed. I snuggle further under my covers my eyes closing as I stretch out, various parts of my body cracking. I let out a sigh of release and look out of my large window only be met a large pair of sparkling green/blue eyes looking at me. He's sitting in my chair and he's hunched over and is resting his chin on his hands.

"How long have you been there...?" I ask slowly, kind of freaked out. 

"Hmmm, all night? maybe..?" He says unsure. "You're VERY peaceful when you sleep." He says grinning at me. I let out a puff of air and fall back onto my back and close my eyes. "whaaaat." he whines, his voice jumping up the octave. I feel the bed dip. I open one eye to find him above me, his arms on either side of my head and his face is inches away from mine. My breathe hitches as I look into his. I can see his eyes darting all over my face for couple of seconds. When he looks back into my eyes, his eyes had changed to a much darker color. All of his eyes now revealing a black sea of nothing. He drops his head to my neck. I feel his warm breathe fanning my neck. "Caleb." I whisper, my eyes wide. He's never done this. "Hmm? I'm kind of hungry Darling." He says in a much darker and huskier voice. 

I don't want to upset him so I turn my neck to the side and close my eyes. "relax baby. relax." he mumbles. I didn't even realize how tense I was. I feel him press soft kisses on my neck. Hip lips feeling warm from his hot breathe. His cool lip ring produced chills all over my body. I was all of a sudden met with a sharp pain from neck and I let a loud a small whimper. "C-Ca-a-leb." I get out. My breathing picks up as my eyes close tightly. I feel cold. His opposite hand that's not holding him up go to my neck. His thumb is on my cheek rubbing up and down softly. It feels like eternity before I feel the same sharp pain. He lifts his head, his expression faltering to worry for a split second. He uses his thumb to wipe my tears, ones that I didn't even know I had, away. I look at him wide eyed, wanting to get away from him as soon as possible. I notice a black liquid coating parts of his, previously pink lips. "Li-," He whispers. 

"Get off of me." I say sternly. I feel used and worthless. He complies and gets up standing by my desk. I hop up and walk out of the room and go next door to the bathroom. I turn the bath on, letting the tub fill up. I look in the mirror and notice how pale I looked. I move my hair to the side to reveal two marks that have significant dark blue and black bruising around it. I quickly undress and put on some loud music from my phone and hop in the tub. I sink slowly into the tub as I let my mind wander to everything that just happen. I let a loud sob echo through the bathroom. I cry to the point of feeling sick ignoring the light knocks I hear from the other side of the door. "Go away Caleb." I say my voice cracking every syllable.

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