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a/n: am I getting better? :)) i have to find simple ones because all of his are so hard shffhdsinje


He chuckles. "Well you're a little too sane for me darling." He says moving the hand holding my neck down and replaces it with the knife.My breathe stops as my eyes widen. He drops his head looking at me from under his lashes his grin even wider. He licks the knife and pushes it further into my neck.

"Bye bye sweetheart." He says swiping the knife.

Lilac's POV

I jolt awake and feel a sharp pain on my nose. "Fuck." I hear a  familiar voice say. I look over and see Izzy holding her forehead? I look around and see that I'm in my room at my house. "What are you doing here?" I ask confused. Where is Caleb? Why is she here? When did she get here? I check my phone and see a text from Calum. So last night really did happen. I think. I looked at Izzy. 

"What happened last night?" I ask her, weary of everything going on. "Uhm you had a movie night with that boy Calum and when he left you asked me to come over...So I did, and you were asleep upstairs when I got here. I tried to wake you up but you were out. I got worried and spent the night." She says spinning in my chair. Okay. I can't ask her about Caleb, nobody knows he exists. Maybe he doesn't. Maybe it was just a bad dream. 

A very bad dream. I don't want to seem ever again. She stands up, "I have class today, so I need to get going." I nod my head, "Bye Iz."  I say sitting up in bed. "Your nose is bleeding by the way." She says closing my door leaving me alone. I bring my fingertips to my nose and feel a wet liquid that is crimson in color. I sigh, standing up. I walk to the bathroom. 

No weird hole in my wall. I grab a rag, wetting it and wiping the blood off my nose. I bend over bringing the cold water to my face. I head downstairs to the kitchen. I pull out some left over Chinese and put it in the microwave. I grab a knife from the kitchen ready to hurt anyone that comes near me. 

The microwave makes me jump, bringing me out of my thoughts. I must've been drugged last night. Maybe that's why I passed out. I pull out my noodles and turn around and Caleb is standing there. I drop my noodles and step back. My hand goes to the counter behind as I grab the handle of the knife.I pull it to the front of me gripping it with both hands. My breathing picked up as I look at him.

He puts his hands up slowly, "Lil, darling, I'm not going to hurt you." he says quietly. "stay back." I say sternly my voice cracking at the end. "Just put the knife down." He says. "I can explain."

"You tried to kill me!" I scream at him. "No. I didn't. It was a dream." He says. "I saw it. Mind reader? Remember?"  I nod my head slowly. "What I said about loving you Lilac. I meant it. I don't know how or why." He said taking a slow step towards me. I shake my head not wanting to believe it. "I-I. I don't believe you." I whisper shaking my head. "I'm going to show you. I do love you." He was closer to me this time. His hands still out. "I watched everything you saw Lil. Me choking you, cutting you, hurting you...killing you..." He whispers the last part. 

"Why did I see that?" I ask him my knife still pointed at his chest. "I-I don't know." he asks. "I'm going to grab the knife." He says slowly leaning his hand to the tip. He slowly pulls it out of my grip and kicking it to the hallway behind him. My hands start to shake as I feel  myself start to shutdown. My knees give out, Caleb catching me before I hit the ground. His arm goes under my knees as he takes a seat on the floor holding me to his chest. I curl into a ball on his lap, shaking intensely. I feel the tears leaving my eyes as I let out a sob. Caleb rubs his hand on my back rocking me. I feel like I'm losing it.

Here I am. In my kitchen surrounded my noodles. Having a panic attack. Getting comforted by my demonic roommate. This only makes me cry harder thinking about how fucked my life is.


hi guys!! I leave for Hawaii tomorrow. I'm so excited. Thankyou for over 3k views oh my gosh. Just an FYI I love all you guys and I literally sat in my room crying about how much I appreciate you guys lol. Expect the updates to slow down after this one. I won't have my laptop. Meaning I'll update from my phone which sucks. sigh. But I hope you enjoyed this chapter. not going to lie, it was a bit of a mess and I'm sorry. I'm tired and I kept getting distracted. but what can you do?

maddie xoxo

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