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a/n: aloha and good morning from your trash author Maddie hehe
Lilac's POV
Something about the title makes my heart stop for a second as I head upstairs looking at the first page rereading the title over and over again. I never thought Angels were real...but then again I never thought demons existed. I head over to my desk and sit down flipping to the first page. It starts off with what is expected and what Angels are meant to do. Apparently I'm a mortal being that doesn't age, I have the ability to heal and protect others, and one of the highest ranked beings in the universe. I smile thinking of all the things I could do. I look at all the pictures and pages and look at how to use some of my powers. A lot of it says that my powers can be used under great stress, but I have the ability to move objects with my mind. I read the rules and decide to practice with a book sitting on my night stand. I focus onto the book and let out a breathe and try to imagine the book coming to me. The book slowly rises from the nightstand as it shakily comes in my direction. I'm struggling to focus as this book feels like it weighs a thousand pounds. The book keeps dropping then coming back up to it's previous place. As it reaches me I let it drop onto my lap as I sit back and let out a sigh of relief. I guess I'll just have to keep practicing. I close the book leaving it at my desk feeling tired from that. My phone vibrates as I hop onto the bed and grab it. It's from Calum.
'Wanna go out tonight?' I smile and feel giddy forgetting about Caleb for a second. I type back a quick 'yes.' He responds a minute later.
'Gr8. See you at 6, dress nice. We're going to a club ;)'
It was around 4 so I get up and go get in the bath. I make sure to spend extra time shaving my legs and get out, wrapping my hair in a towel and head to my room to find something sexy to wear. I pick out a black dress that had lacy sleeves and went to mid thigh. I curl my hair and do a Smokey eye with a dark red lip. I look at myself in the mirror. I look nothing but Angelic with the dark color palette I decided to go with. I go downstairs and wait for Calum to arrive. When he does I walk out and join him in his car. He hands me the aux,
"Go crazy." He says smiling at me. When we arrive I can smell the weed and alcohol from outside the club. When we walk in there's already wasted girls and guys sitting alone at the bar watching their every move. Calum grabs my hand and leads me to the bar and orders some drink I've never heard of.
"Something sweet for the even sweeter girl." He says handing me the yellow drink. There's a slice of pineapple on the side which I grab and put it to my lips tasting the sweet acidic taste and the bitter alcohol that coated it. He watches me as I slowly bite down on the fruit. I blush looking away. He laughs and grabs my free hand and drags me to the dance floor. I laugh at his silly dance moves as I sip my drink watching him and his puppy dog eyes crinkle at the corners when he smiles at me. By the time I finish my drink I feel all warm and bubbly and the room is slightly tilted on it's side. I put my arms around Calum neck and look at him.
"Let's go home." I slur in his ear. He nods his head grabbing my hand and goes back to his car.
I put my hand on his thigh rubbing his leg letting my hand slowly move up his leg. He clears his throat and wiggles in his seat.
"Lil stop that." He says his voice an octave Lower.
"Whyyy?" I whine placing my small fingertips on his crotch.
"Because you're drunk." He says moving my hand off him. I whine when he holds my hand tightly.
"Just wait till we get home." He says softly his eyes looking back at me. I nod my head and look out the window.
When we get home the house is dark. I stumble to the door and pull out my key trying to put in my door. I giggle when I drop it picking it back up.
"Here. Let me." Calum says grabbing my key. He quickly unlocks it and follows me in. I turn around kissing him as he leans in deepening it. I moan as his his hands travel down. He mumbles 'jump' catching me and heads upstairs for a long restless night.
When I wake up my head aches. I groan and turn my body but it's get interrupted when I hit something warm and hard. When I look over and see a naked Calum. My eyes widen when I realized what happened. I get up putting on a large shirt that was probably Caleb's at some point. I crawl over on my bed and nudge Calum.
"Calum...Cal." I lightly say. He groans as he looks at me. "I think you need to leave." I say to him.
"Why?" He asks confused. "I really like you Lil. And I wanted to get to know you." He says sitting you up.

"I think she asked you to leave." Caleb says in the doorway.
A/n: okay I gotta go. I'm shopping. Much love tho. Thanks for 11k
Maddie xoxo

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