Chapter 1

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My alarm beeped making me groaned and cover my ear with the pillow, as if that will keep the alarm shut and stop the time. I hit the snooze and went back to sleep, until my alarm rang again.

I checked my phone first thing while I laid on the bed, as usual there was no texts from anyone or any notifications from my social media's. That's how boring my life is, but I prefer private than public life. I finally decided to start my day and hit the shower. Summer break has been great, I worked at Mrs. Williams, flower's store just down the street from my house,during my vacation and saved up a lot. Going back to school is something I am looking both forward and not so excited at the same time. I patted myself for surviving with the rich-ungrateful children who studies with me. They always brag about what they have and say they wanted this,but they got this. I listen silently and keep to myself, that's how I was surviving my entire school life, until I met him.

I walked to my school which was couple of minutes away, once winter hit, I think I have to ask Mom, also known as my adoptive mom-Barbara Young or my adoptive dad- Phillip Young to drive me to school or my best friend Abigail to pick me up.

My entire life have been a mess starting from birth. My birth mother decided I was a mistake and left me in the adoption home, without turning back. In spite of this, I use their last name Gray, which is the only thing that reminds me of them. Barbara and Phillip, decided it would be best to keep my last name as Gray because my eyes remind them of the last name that I have, you are definitely right. I have grey eyes. They said, they fell in love with my eyes and couldn't help but want me to be part of their family seeing my eyes, which made no sense to me. Barbara and Phillips, is what you would call an angel who came to save my day. They provided me with best care and love, always supported me and all my moods. I am very grateful for them and they know it too. I am not very open when it comes to showing emotions and sometime it gets hard because they think they are not doing their best for me, but they are doing excellent for me and I have hard time showing it to them.

When I saw the familiar brown brick buildings, I sighed and mentally prepare myself for the start of school, cars honked and I heard people's loud scream and cheered as expensive cars started driving towards school. People in my school drive expensive cars, in spite of not knowing how to drive.

Abigail Mendes, also known as Abby, is my one and only friends who I hang out with, I met her in elementary school and it bothered her so much, that I don't have friends, that she started tagging along and even followed me to my house, just because I was not talking to her. She is really cheerful, so cheerful that at times I am exhausted by the end of the day with how much energy she carries. She stood near the entrance of the school, looking at her phone. Her brunette hair tied in a pony tail, she wore a blue faded jeans and a Tommy's shirt.

"Hey." I said.

"There you are!" She said, too cheerful for a Monday morning.

"Morning." I greeted. "What's up?" I asked.

"Tyler asked me out on a date." She squealed in excitement.

"Good for you." I said meaning it, she deserve that. She lost her popularity as a popular new student once she step her foot near me, and she said she is glad about it, but it makes me feel guilty, that she have to go through high school like this all because of me.

"Friday night." She cheered. Tyler Smith, who I have met twice through Abby, is a nice guy from Brooklyn High School, they met each other through colleagues from their part time work and so far, their relationship is taking a spark, finally.

When a black sports car pulled up on the parking lot, there was a huge cheer. It seem like the school's popular child rolled in and is back to make another school year much more exciting, Note the sarcasm. The amount of hearts he broke is the amount of times, I had to sit in class and listen to crying from all cheerleaders and girls. I am sorry, but he is what you call a trash.

"Time to get away." I said pulling Abby with me to the school.

"But, isn't Elliot here? I didn't see him since the school was off. I heard, that he went back to London. His British accent is so hot!"

I rolled my eyes, "You should be glad I am saving you from all the pushing. Let's get to our locker, before they decide to come in."

"He is so hot, that I don't mind all the pushing. Did you see his dimples when he smiled?"

"That same smile is how he breaks the hearts." I reminded.

"It seem like you dislike him."

"I honestly do, he is such a trash. I had to sit through many classes with girls crying behind the seats I am appointed and talk about how he broke their hearts after a one night stand."

"It's not like our hearts is going to break? He doesn't even know we exists and what's the harm at just looking from a far?" She whined as I opened my locker and she leaned on the locker beside mine.

"There is no harm in looking." I totally agreed with that, "but it is the crushing and the want to be with him."

"What's the point even if I want him, when I know that I am not the one for him."

I shut the locker and put my hand on her shoulder, "You missy, you don't need this trash can for any approval or attention. You got the sweet Tyler, who knows how to treat woman."

She nodded her head and grinned, "What will I do without you?"

"Most probably, you will be chasing after Elliot." I teased.

She rolled her eyes at me and dragged me with her to our first class. I can't wait for Friday to relax at home after the big dinner Barbara makes on Friday evening to start the weekend.

With the excitement of Friday, I left the hallway before the popular children decide to use the hallway and make some of our life a hell.

Author's Note: Welcome beautiful readers, thank you for reading this book. Please add this book to your reading lists and share it with other readers, your support means a lot to me.

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