Chapter 21

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He smiled at my words and his head tilted to a side. "You might as well admit you like me."

"Not going over there." I said, "but I was serious." and got inside the car. He ran back to the other side and slid into his leather seat.

"Was that your way of saying, you like me?" He teased and I huffed at him and he laughed as he put his seat belt on and so do I and he pulled back the car. "You have the cutest reaction ever. You are so beautiful."

I blushed at his words, "Stop it, already."

"I was just being truthful." He shrugged.

"But where are you going this weekend?" I asked again.

He sighed, "Just a game."

"What game?" I pressured him.

"But you will not ask me why or any other questions related to this." He said.

"Fine." I said.

"Boxing." He muttered and I almost thought I heard wrong.

"What?" As I shifted from my seat to look at him.

"You heard me right, love." He said. "No questions, you promised."

I shut my mouth and then opened, "Can I come to watch the game?"

He looked surprised and said, "No."

"You should think about it."

"There is nothing to think about it, the answer is No, why you want to see two people beating up each other and most importantly meeting people who are not so nice?"

"Why are you meeting them, then?"

"Because I am stupid." He muttered softly. "Okay?"

"You are not." I disagree with his statement.

He sighed, "You should stay away from that part of my life."

"But what if I want to be part of that too? We all have some bad side to us."

"No.That part of my life is something I have to deal with by myself." His tone was serious and I didn't want to push him .

"If you change your mind, I am in." I said and he smiled.

"Seem like you are turning, bad a^^ now."

"Never said I was not one." I give him a look.

Friday, came faster than I could ever imagine. I was worried for Elliot's safety and I think he realized that, I was too into his life because right after he dropped me off that day after meeting that weird dude, we did not talk anymore. He simply give me a nod when we see each other in the hallway and it seemed like everything was back to its original place where he is still popular and hang out with his popular children and I am once again in my small world, but at least he still acknowledge me.

"He is all weird now." Abby complained. "Did you two fight or what?" She asked as she sat beside me on the stairs. Fall have finally arrived and I think winter will be rolling in sooner than expected; which is why our usual spot in the outside is no longer available.

"Nothing of that sort." I said as I played with my fries.

"You don't seem too well." She said as she put her hand on my forehead and I slapped it away.

"You have fever." She gasped.

"I don't." I said. "I just have a little cold."

"You do have fever." She give me a very worried look.

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